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Israeli media speaks out for recognizing the streams

Israeli media speaks out for recognizing the streams

Anti-Semites don’t distinguish between Jews according to their denominations. That is a practice reserved for the Israeli government. Israeli media personalities and others have drawn conclusions from the massacre in Pittsburgh, which links this tragedy to Israel's religion-state policies.

It’s time for American Jewry to speak up and act

It’s time for American Jewry to speak up and act

A few days ago PM Netanyahu, in NY to deliver a forceful speech at the UN and meet with world leaders, also met with a small group of top level American Jewish leaders. The little that we know about the meeting gives us reason to urge American Jewish leaders that it’s high time to change course and take a far more proactive approach in dealing with the critically important Israel-Diaspora bridge.

Revolutionary conversion ruling?

Revolutionary conversion ruling?

Haredi opposition threatens Israeli democracy, the rule of law, the judciary's independence, and the partnership between Israel and world Jewry

Court requires Interior Ministry to recognize a private conversion

Court requires Interior Ministry to recognize a private conversion

Hiddush responds to court ruling, instructing the Israeli Interior Ministry to formally recognize the Jewish identity of a woman who underwent a private Orthodox conversion

The Vile Bond of Religion & Politics

The Vile Bond of Religion & Politics

In a secret recording that was broadcast on Israeli television, MK Rabbi Moshe Gafni explains to the leadership of his party why they voted for the Nation-State Law and what his real opinion of the law is.

Unlike the Government - Israelis support religious freedom and equality

Unlike the Government - Israelis support religious freedom and equality

This week, two important events occurred, and Hiddush provided special public opinion polling and analysis on the core issues that arose:

Record support for freedom of choice in marriage!

Record support for freedom of choice in marriage!

70% of Israel's adult Jewish population wants the State of Israel to recognize all forms of marriage, including civil marriage and Reform and Conservative weddings. Most of the public wants legal alternatives to marriage via the Rabbinate!

Hiddush represents Masorti rabbi arrested for conducting wedding

Hiddush represents Masorti rabbi arrested for conducting wedding

At 5:30 AM on July 19th, two policemen knocked on the Haifa apartment of Dubi Haiyun, Rabbi of the Conservative congregation in Haifa. This followed orders given to the police by the Haifa rabbinic court, which alleged that Rabbi Haiyun was in breach of criminal law regarding a wedding he conducted.

Four questions and answers about the draft law

Four questions and answers about the draft law

An analysis of the much-debated haredi draft law.

The Lesson For Diaspora Jews In Israel’s Deplorable Conversion Law

The Lesson For Diaspora Jews In Israel’s Deplorable Conversion Law

The best that can be said about the proposed State Conversion Bill is that it is destined to be thrown away into the waste bin that Israeli politics has designated for the recommendations of committees appointed mostly to put out political fires. The proposal is not only a slap in the face, disguised with a smile, to the non-Orthodox streams, but it also angers the ultra-Orthodox (Haredi) politicians.

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