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The State Comptroller's 2017 report: a searing indictment

The State Comptroller's 2017 report: a searing indictment

Israel’s 39-chapter annual state Comptroller report, published on Tuesday, May 16, was nothing less than a blistering indictment of the unholy alliance of religion & state in Israel, providing multiple examples of criminality, corruption, and discrimination conducted by government officials in the arena of religion & state.

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Will the Pew Israel Report Open our Eyes?

Rabbi Uri Regev presents his first impressions of the 2016 Pew report on Israel's Religiously Divided Society. His intimate familiarity with the subject matter and the population surveyed provide him a unique prism, which served him in assessing the report.

Lalum threatens Yishai

Lalum threatens Yishai

The haredi website Kikar HaShabbat reports: The chairman of the organization Noar C'Halacha, Yoav Laloum, who headed the Immanuel campaign, warns Yishai that the fight against the discrimination of Mizrahim in education will resume

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