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  • January 2020 Israeli Voice Index data analysis
    Written by on 07/02/2020
    Earlier this week, the Israel Democracy Institute’s important monthly survey was published: the Israeli Voice Index. Looking through the full data set and analyzing it provides additional insights, including in the field of religion and state, which support the findings of Hiddush’s regular public opinion surveys.

  • Haredi leadership's responses to Hiddush Supreme Court petition
    Written by Uri Regev on 07/02/2020
    The Israeli ultra-Orthodox media’s reaction to Hiddush’s petition to the Israeli Supreme Court on the matter of the State’s failure to ensure that upwards of 40,000 children in Jerusalem receive educations at legal, state recognized schools was predictably full of vitriol.

  • One of every Seven Jerusalem children attend unregistered schools!
    Written by on 05/02/2020
    In violation of the law and ignoring both the Ministry of Education and the Jerusalem Municipality - more than 40,000 children in Jerusalem study in schools that operate without licenses! Hiddush and Jerusalem City Council Member Dr. Laura Wharton petitioned the Supreme Court, demanding that Israel’s law of compulsory education be enforced in the city.

  • Rabbinic and Legal networks fighting for freedom
    Written by on 23/01/2020
    The outrageous attack on Russian Jews and Russian converts to Judaism by the Sephardic Chief Rabbi of Israel, Yitzchak Yosef, requires a strong rebuke. This kind of hurtful and heartless outburst characterizes the all too frequent statements by Israeli rabbinic figures with state-backed power to use their positions as a bully pulpit.

  • 2019 Israel Democracy Index published by IDI
    Written by on 10/01/2020
    This week, the IDI published its annual Israel Democracy Index, with highlights available online. What follows is a selection of Hiddush’s highlights from this Index, which focus on significant observations in the area of religion & state.

  • Chief Rabbi Yosef calls immigrants to Israel non-Jewish communists
    Written by on 09/01/2020
    Almost every news broadcast in recent days, whether on radio or television, has included a segment on the scandalous statements made by Chief Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef, denigrating the olim from the former Soviet Union, as well as the numerous public and political reactions to his vile, violent message.

  • Chief Rabbi Yosef: "Russian Olim are Goyim!"
    Written by on 09/01/2020
    Almost every news broadcast in recent days, whether on radio or television, has included a segment on the scandalous statements made by Chief Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef, denigrating the olim from the former Soviet Union, as well as the numerous public and political reactions to his vile, violent message.

  • Survey: recognition of non-Jewish family members under Law of Return
    Written by on 06/01/2020
    62% of Israel’s adult Jewish public does not consider religious conversion through the Chief Rabbinate as a necessary condition for recognizing the Jewishness of immigrants who are the family members of Jews but whose mothers are not Jewish.

  • Governor of Bank of Israel: ultra-Orthodox Israelis must enter labor market
    Written by on 05/01/2020
    A speech given by the Governor of the Bank of Israel last month reminds us of the danger to the future of the State of Israel if we do not recognize and combat evil. He estimated that the ultra-Orthodox parties’ refusal to enable the full integration of ultra-Orthodox men into the job market and include core curricular studies in their school curricula, will require raising taxes on the rest of the public by about 60%!

  • The number of non-Jewish family members making Aliyah
    Written by on 27/12/2019
    Hiddush's publication of Israel's immigration numbers of non-Jewish family members under the Law of Return, as provided by the Population and Immigration Authority [PIA] in response to our Freedom of Information demands, caused quite the media storm this week. This resulted in the Authority retracting from their own data, and changing it drastically.

  • Huge numbers of gentile family members make Aliyah
    Written by on 26/12/2019
    Hiddush wishes all of you a bright holiday, celebrating the cause of religious freedom. May our elected representatives finally represent the core values of the State of Israel as a Jewish and Democratic State and commit to fully realize religious freedom and equality. It befits the spirit of the holiday of Chanukah and the values of Israel's Declaration of Independence.

  • 2019 Statistical Report on Haredi Society in Israel
    Written by on 25/12/2019
    As described on the Israel Democracy Institute's website, the 2019 Statistical Report on Ultra-Orthodox Society in Israel provides both a snapshot of the ultra-Orthodox in Israel today and an analysis of trends characterizing this community in recent decades, in key areas such as demography, education, employment, and use of leisure time.

  • 6 out of 7 Israeli immigrants not recognized as Jews
    Written by on 23/12/2019
    6 out of 7 immigrants to Israel in recent years - are not considered Jews according to Halacha (Jewish religious law). These data come from the Population and Immigration Authority’s response to Hiddush’s Freedom of Information Act request.

  • Where are Israeli Jews now on Religion & State?
    Written by on 12/12/2019
    The “Status Quo” is an affront to the will of the public: 63% want a civil unity government; 71% support public transportation on the Sabbath; 69% support establishing civil marriage and divorce in Israel

  • Israel is headed for its 3rd election in a year!
    Written by Uri Regev on 12/12/2019
    We don’t have a crystal ball, and we don’t know what the future holds in store. However, when we examine what has transpired in recent months, and in spite of the fact that the election results in September were comparable to those in April, the pictures following these two rounds were substantially different. This may point to a potential breakthrough in the third round.

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