Search results for tag " Law of Return"

  • Messing with the Law of Return again
    Written by on 27/08/2020
    MK Smotrich's bill seeks to limit the horizons of Judaism and close the gates of conversion to the largest Jewish denominations of the Diaspora

  • Chief Rabbi Yosef calls immigrants to Israel non-Jewish communists
    Written by on 09/01/2020
    Almost every news broadcast in recent days, whether on radio or television, has included a segment on the scandalous statements made by Chief Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef, denigrating the olim from the former Soviet Union, as well as the numerous public and political reactions to his vile, violent message.

  • Survey: recognition of non-Jewish family members under Law of Return
    Written by on 06/01/2020
    62% of Israel’s adult Jewish public does not consider religious conversion through the Chief Rabbinate as a necessary condition for recognizing the Jewishness of immigrants who are the family members of Jews but whose mothers are not Jewish.

  • The number of non-Jewish family members making Aliyah
    Written by on 27/12/2019
    Hiddush's publication of Israel's immigration numbers of non-Jewish family members under the Law of Return, as provided by the Population and Immigration Authority [PIA] in response to our Freedom of Information demands, caused quite the media storm this week. This resulted in the Authority retracting from their own data, and changing it drastically.

  • 6 out of 7 Israeli immigrants not recognized as Jews
    Written by on 23/12/2019
    6 out of 7 immigrants to Israel in recent years - are not considered Jews according to Halacha (Jewish religious law). These data come from the Population and Immigration Authority’s response to Hiddush’s Freedom of Information Act request.

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