A truly terrible practice brought to light
Drugging yeshiva students to curb sexuality
A scandalous and, in all likelihood, criminal relationship exists between key ultra-Orthodox circles on the one hand and a number of psychiatrists on the other.
10/12/2019 18:37
Tags: yeshiva students · sexuality · drugs · medication · psychatrists

Pills, source: Pixnio, PPD
The recent channel 12 exposé alluded to in the following articles is just the most recent reporting on this long-standing pact. See articles #1 - #2 - #3
Already in 2012, detailed and alarming articles were published in Haaretz about the practice most associated with the Gur Hassidic dynasty to rein in young disciples who have demonstrated urges that are considered natural and common in the non-Hasidic world, but run against the rigid sexual norms of ultra-Orthodoxy in general and Gur Hassidism in particular. The solution found by some ultra-Orthodox leaders, made possible through lucrative payments to select cooperative psychiatrists is shocking to many, but normative in the eyes of the partners to these deals: psychiatric prescriptions intended for subduing sexual urges and inquisitive minds.
Media exposés and news of police apprehending suspected rings and pursuing criminal investigation were published in 2013 and 2017 - both regarding the above mentioned practice and a parallel handy psychiatric service to some in the Haredi community - namely falsely certifying as mentally and emotionally unfit those who sought exemption from IDF service.
Media exposés and news of police apprehending suspected rings and pursuing criminal investigation were published in 2013 and 2017 - both regarding the above mentioned practice and a parallel handy psychiatric service to some in the Haredi community - namely falsely certifying as mentally and emotionally unfit those who sought exemption from IDF service.
The current exposé was followed by news that the named psychiatrists would be summoned for a hearing at the Ministry of Health, but frankly, little should be expected from such hearings, given that the Minister of Health is the senior Gur Hasidic representative - MK Rabbi Litzman who incidentally is also being investigated by the police for helping harbor a suspected child pedophile from extradition to Australia, which she fled in 2013 and since then has been fighting extradition, claiming a mental disorder with -no surprise- a number of psychiatrists willing to put their professional credentials at her and her hosts service.
Hiddush has turned to the police, the AG, the Israeli Medical Association, demanding that a thorough investigation be launched into these highly questionable practices, which must be reviewed and stopped if, indeed, they are proven to be unethical and unprofessional, as some medical experts have asserted. The ring of support facilitating and paying for these services on behalf of some Hasidic leaders should be brought to trial and severely sanctioned.
Reports have even been published of a young, formerly ultra-Orthodox individual who committed suicide, whose friends told of his ruined life after he was forced to undergo this psychiatric regiment of medicine. There's no telling if he has been the only casualty of these treatments.