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The conscription bluff

The conscription bluff

I did not come up with the title to this article. This was the title given by a well-known ultra-Orthodox commentator to an article he published this month in the ultra-Orthodox newspaper Yated Ne'eman.

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Religion and State issues not pushed under the rug

Religion and State issues not pushed under the rug

It is critically important to understand that despite the sense of urgency regarding Israel’s political, security and health concerns, issues of religion and state have not been pushed under the rug. They continue to be at the forefront of political controversy and in the headlines.

Hiddush takes on enlistment and the IDF

Hiddush takes on enlistment and the IDF

In recent weeks, Hiddush has been dealing intensively with a number of issues related to enlistment and the army, some of which have already matured to the point of filing lawsuits, some of which are follow-ups on Hiddush’s past litigation, and in some cases we are going through the legal pre-litigatory steps that will allow us to pursue litigation in the future if necessary.

The Imminent Political/Legal Explosion

The Imminent Political/Legal Explosion

The ultra-Orthodox parties have pushed hard on the Prime Minister in their coalition negotiations. The amendment to the Draft Law is the only issue of religion and state relations that is spelled out in detail, not only in the agreements of the ultra-Orthodox parties with the Likud, but also in the Likud's agreement with Blue & White.

On the legal front

On the legal front

Hiddush's activism in the legal arena has continued in the face of the Covid-19 crisis, as Israel's new government has been settling in. There will be much to do in the face of the ultra-Orthodox party's stranglehold over Israel's religion-and-state arena!

Four questions and answers about the draft law

Four questions and answers about the draft law

An analysis of the much-debated haredi draft law.

IDF Draft controversy renews pressure to muzzle the Supreme Court

IDF Draft controversy renews pressure to muzzle the Supreme Court

As many who follow Israel's political life know, cries of "wolf, wolf!" foretelling of the government’s imminent collapse are common. Two such crises are on the horizon now.

Hiddush criticizes the  Defense Ministry's recommendations

Hiddush criticizes the Defense Ministry's recommendations

These recommendations push off the recruitment of yeshiva students until the next government and turn responsibility over to the High Court of Justice. The irony is that even this will be rejected by the ultra-Orthodox parties.

Likud Minister fed up with Haredi ultimatums

Likud Minister fed up with Haredi ultimatums

Our readers have come to expect Hiddush underscoring the unacceptability of ultra-Orthodox political shenanigans, extortion and coercion. However, this week, we heard comparable sentiments expressed by a leading Government Coalition member - Likud Minister Akunis.

What does it mean for Israel to be a Jewish state?

What does it mean for Israel to be a Jewish state?

Israeli Independence Day celebrations are almost upon us, and the divisions over the identity of Israel as a Jewish and democratic state are greater than ever before.

79% Israelis oppose laws to legalize draft dodging by yeshiva students

79% Israelis oppose laws to legalize draft dodging by yeshiva students

A new survey reveals how strongly the Israeli public is opposed to the demand of the ultra-Orthodox parties to pass a new 'Basic Law: Torah study', as well as an amendment to the Defense Service Law to legalize the continued draft dodging of most yeshiva students.

Nearing the point of explosion!

Nearing the point of explosion!

"The storm is rising," I wrote recently. Now, I can definitely say that the situation is nearing the point of explosion! Also, this time, it is clear that the religion-state clash is an integral part of the approaching explosion.

New polling reaffirms Hiddush finding.

New polling reaffirms Hiddush finding.

The January 2018 issue of the monthly Peace Index, published jointly by Tel Aviv University and the Israel Democracy Institute, touches upon key confrontation points along the spectrum of religion-state issues on the public's and political class's minds at this time.

A constitutional bill to define Torah study as a form of national service

A constitutional bill to define Torah study as a form of national service

Today's news sheds light on a new effort by the Haredi parties to permanently avoid requiring their adherents to equally shoulder the burden of national security.

The number of Haredi yeshiva students has fallen for the past 5 years

The number of Haredi yeshiva students has fallen for the past 5 years

According to the Ministry of Education, the rise in the number of ultra-Orthodox yeshiva students has stopped, holding steady at approximately 70,000. The percentage of ultra-Orthodox men studying full-time in yeshivas dropped over the course of recent years from 61% to 50%.

2015 Religion & State Index - support for religious freedom rises

2015 Religion & State Index - support for religious freedom rises

The good news, illuminated by the 2015 Israel Religion & State Index, is the continually increasing Israeli public support for freedom of religion and equality of burden. The bad news is the gaping divide between the public’s will on matters of religion and state and the Government’s coalition agreements.


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