Uri Regev

Latest stories by Uri Regev

Renewed Haredi assault on the Supreme Court

Renewed Haredi assault on the Supreme Court

This week temporarily halted the removal-from-office procedure, which Interior Minister Deri (Leader of Shas) initiated against Mayor of Tiberias Ron Kobi. Kobi has become a symbol and lightning rod, as a crusader against religious coercion.

Israel's Religion and State conflict in the September elections

Israel's Religion and State conflict in the September elections

The unfolding election campaigning provides further validation to Hiddush's contention as to the major role that the clash of religion-&-state can potentially play if properly positioned in shaping Israel's future political trajectory. Avigdor Lieberman (whose political focus on "anti-halakha state" we've described in detail) continues to reap the gains.

Groundbreaking: IDF to allow Reform rabbis to conduct military funerals

Groundbreaking: IDF to allow Reform rabbis to conduct military funerals

The IDF and the military Rabbinate will allow Reform rabbis and rabbis of other streams to conduct military burial ceremonies, as well as allow for secular funerals in military cemeteries. This official commitment was made by the attorney representing the State before the Supreme Court at a hearing held today (July 4, 2019) in response to a petition filed by Hiddush for Freedom of Religion and Equality against the IDF.

Dramatic developments on Israel's political scene

Dramatic developments on Israel's political scene

Dramatic developments following the elections have validated Hiddush's pre- and post-election analysis, although it is not entirely clear yet whether the necessary lessons will be drawn by all.

Perpetual surrender to anti-Zionistic, anti-democratic religious ideology

Perpetual surrender to anti-Zionistic, anti-democratic religious ideology

It is clear that a key building block in the demands of both the Haredi parties and the Union of right-wing parties is the ensuring that the non-Orthodox movements be excluded and delegitimized

Religious Freedom and Equality after the Elections

Religious Freedom and Equality after the Elections

The 2019 Knesset elections are over, but not much has been written about their potential impact on matters of religion & state and Israel-Diaspora relations. Hiddush polling shows that approximately 2/3 of Israeli Jews would prefer a civil government that does not depend upon the ultra-Orthodox parties.

"Israel is losing the Jewish people"

Former Israeli MFA Deputy Director General for North America, Baruch Bina, published an article in Hebrew titled ‘Israel is losing the Jewish people’. Hiddush shares some of its key assertions and observations in English here.

What they do not see: Rabbinate and marriages in Israel

What they do not see: Rabbinate and marriages in Israel

The Religious Services Ministry refuses to acknowledge the fact that growing circles reject the Rabbinate and prefer alternative marriages.

Kosher slaughter now illegal in Belgium

Kosher slaughter now illegal in Belgium

With the turn of 2019, kosher slaughter in the northern Flanders region of Belgium, home to half of the country’s Jewish population and a major supplier of meat for European Jewish communities, became officially illegal.

Hiddush in the service of world Jewry

Hiddush in the service of world Jewry

Every so often, Hiddush receives requests for assistance from outside of Israel. One recent appeal is particularly interesting and important, and we will continue to report on it again as it develops.

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