Search results for tag " Shas"

  • Masquerade Ball: Don't comply with the Haredi parties' demands
    Written by on 13/03/2018
    The bill presented to the Ministerial Committee on Legislation is complex and full of words, but it can be boiled down to this: any yeshiva student who does not want to enlist will not be drafted into the IDF

  • 79% Israelis oppose laws to legalize draft dodging by yeshiva students
    Written by on 05/03/2018
    A new survey reveals how strongly the Israeli public is opposed to the demand of the ultra-Orthodox parties to pass a new 'Basic Law: Torah study', as well as an amendment to the Defense Service Law to legalize the continued draft dodging of most yeshiva students.

  • 79% Israelis oppose laws to legalize draft dodging by yeshiva students
    Written by on 05/03/2018
    A new survey reveals how strongly the Israeli public is opposed to the demand of the ultra-Orthodox parties to pass a new 'Basic Law: Torah study', as well as an amendment to the Defense Service Law to legalize the continued draft dodging of most yeshiva students.

  • Supreme Court: Tel Aviv mini-markets may operate on Shabbat
    Written by on 20/04/2017
    Israel's High Court of Justice ruled on Wednesday in favor of Tel Aviv’s battle to expand facilities open to the secular public on Shabbat, saying that the municipality can permit mini-markets to operate on the Jewish day of rest.

  • The growing challenge to religious freedom and equality
    Written by Uri Regev on 19/12/2016
    The ultra-Orthodox parties, joined by a number of key members of other Coalition parties, to put an end to the prospects of greater opportunities for Women's and egalitarian worship practices at the Western Wall plaza.

  • Bill would anchor Orthodox practice in law at the Western Wall
    Written by on 15/12/2016
    Lawmakers from Shas and United Torah Judaism, as well as Likud’s Oren Hazan, David Amsalem and Miki Zohar and Jewish Home’s Betzalel Smotrich, Moti Yogev, and Nissan Slomianksy, have endorsed the proposed legislation, officially lodged on Sunday, that would anchor Orthodox practice in law throughout the entire Western Wall vicinity.

  • Shas Party proposes a bill to outlaw mixed prayer at Western Wall
    Written by on 01/12/2016
    The Shas party declared on Monday that it would propose a bill that would make it illegal to hold pluralistic prayer services at the Western Wall plaza.

  • Israeli Funds for Youth at Risk Skewed Toward ultra-Orthodox Jews
    Written by on 09/06/2016
    Some 60 percent of the funds budgeted for youth at risk goes toward helping ultra-Orthodox teenagers, even though they are only 15 percent of the teen population, according to Social Affairs Ministry data compiled by Hiddush.

  • Landmark ruling to allow non-Orthodox converts access to all mikva’ot
    Written by Uri Regev on 23/02/2016
    A new front, far more vicious and perilous, has emerged. The Chief Rabbinate and ultra-Orthodox politicians are gearing up to prevent the implementation of this ruling to further undermine the Supreme Court and demonize the non-Orthodox movements.

  • Politicians heap insults upon non-Orthodox Jewry
    Written by on 08/02/2016
    Will Netanyahu seriously take a stand, confront these bigoted leaders and do something of substance against their venomous insults? Moreover, will Netanyahu do what it takes to truly ensure that all Jews feel at home in Israel, and that equality and pluralism extend beyond the southern Kotel plaza?

  • Ministry of Religious Services budget increased by more than 100%
    Written by Shahar Ilan on 24/12/2015
    The budget for the construction and renovation of buildings for religious services will be increased by 50 million NIS (123%), the budget for the Ministry of Religious Services will be increased to nearly 150%, and the budget for cemeteries will be increase by 500%. The millions budgeted for the ultra-Orthodox parties by the Likud in exchange for their political support were merely a down payment - a base level for further increases.

  • Affirmative action for Haredim or cronyism?
    Written by Uri Regev on 23/12/2015
    On Sunday, Israel’s cabinet approved an affirmative action initiative enabling more ultra-Orthodox workers to find employment in the civil service, as part of Shas’s leader, Minister Rabbi Aryeh Deri’s strategy to integrate the Haredi community into the civil service.

  • L'Chayim: Uri Regev - Coalition and Orthodox
    Written by on 11/06/2015
    Uri Regev, President & CEO of “Hiddush – For Freedom of Religion and Equality,” explains why PM Netanyahu's deals with ultra-Orthodox parties to win their coalition support hurts Israeli democracy and threatens American Jewry's relationship to Israel.

  • The Coalition Agreements: Religion and State Clauses
    Written by on 27/05/2015
    We are pleased to present to you the analysis report prepared by Hiddush on the religion and state clauses in Israel's 2015 coalition agreements. The document deals with budgets matters; education; freedom of religion and equality of civic burden.

  • Rabbi John Rosove: The New Israeli Government and Ultra-Orthodox Parties
    Written by on 06/05/2015
    As he strives to form a government, Prime Minister Netanyahu is making deals with small parties in exchange for their support.

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