"The State of Israel is not a halachic state but rather is a nation-state of all the Jewish people. Many Jews are becoming alienated because they feel that the State of Israel does not respect the way they practice Judaism.” Rabbi Nathaniel Helfgot All quotes »
"The State of Israel is not a halachic state but rather is a nation-state of all the Jewish people. Many Jews are becoming alienated because they feel that the State of Israel does not respect the way they practice Judaism.”
Rabbi Nathaniel Helfgot
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We are pleased to present to you the analysis report prepared by Hiddush on the religion and state clauses in Israel's 2015 coalition agreements. The document deals with budgets matters; education; freedom of religion and equality of civic burden.
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Percentage of Growth of Exemptions Given to Yeshiva Students since the Founding of the State: 15,000%. Number of Yeshiva Students Who Evaded the Draft Last Year: 8,500
Only 22 of 450 religious council members are women
2,500 Gender-Segregated Bus Rides a Day
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