Hiddush endeavors to bring freedom of religion and equal burden sharing to Israel. It does this by paying meticulous attention to its words, remarks, and credibility. There is no hatred in any of its activities. It should be mentioned that we do not avoid hatred as tactical move, but because we simply do not hate the Haredim or any other community. We work toward the Haredim taking part in their obligations to society, such as work, the army, taxes and basic education. We believe that this demand is completely essential and legitimate.
It is certainly true that the activities of Hiddush and the information it publishes are considered one of the reasons that matters of religion and state have returned to the public agenda. Hiddush is proud of this. All the experts agree that if the Haredim do not integrate into the economy and into military service, both the economy and national security are endangered. Public struggle is often accompanied by strong emotions. We oppose hatred on the grounds that sooner or later we will all have to live together.
Of course, our website and Facebook page are open to everybody. If we have published anything that contradicts our principles, we invite internet users to call our attention to it.