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Drafting the Ultra-Orthodox or Severing Them from State Coffers

Drafting the Ultra-Orthodox or Severing Them from State Coffers

Anyone who thinks that ultra-Orthodox enlistment can be enforced through criminal sanctions and imprisonment is deluding themselves

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The New

The New "Draft" Bill, A bluff at the time, and totally irrelevant after October 7th

Rabbi Uri Regev, CEO of Hiddush, explains that the current “Draft Bill” does not have the intention of enlisting yeshiva students

On the Legal Front

On the Legal Front

Recently we received a reminder of how important it is to not merely be able to petition the court in order to correct wrongs, but also to monitor implementation of court rulings and of the actual change in policy. That takes time, perseverance, and patience - a requisite for legal advocacy which by its nature is ongoing and can stretch out over a long period of time.

Hiddush in the legal trenches

Hiddush in the legal trenches

Hiddush has initiated legal action in two instances of abuse by Haredi outreach operations infringing upon the rights and lives of residents of neighboring buildings.

Hiddush takes on enlistment and the IDF

Hiddush takes on enlistment and the IDF

In recent weeks, Hiddush has been dealing intensively with a number of issues related to enlistment and the army, some of which have already matured to the point of filing lawsuits, some of which are follow-ups on Hiddush’s past litigation, and in some cases we are going through the legal pre-litigatory steps that will allow us to pursue litigation in the future if necessary.

Hiddush in the legal trenches

Hiddush in the legal trenches

Hiddush legal advocacy ranges from cases dealing with the abuse of religious IDF draft exemptions for young women to elderly hot dog vendors who legally operate their carts in Jerusalem on Friday night.

Masquerade Ball: Don't comply with the Haredi parties' demands

Masquerade Ball: Don't comply with the Haredi parties' demands

The bill presented to the Ministerial Committee on Legislation is complex and full of words, but it can be boiled down to this: any yeshiva student who does not want to enlist will not be drafted into the IDF

Thanks to Hiddush - a serious loophole closed

Thanks to Hiddush - a serious loophole closed

Just this week, on Tuesday, following Hiddush's petition, the Knesset approved regulations that would, for the first time, put a halt to the mass phenomenon of false claims of religiosity aimed at receiving exemptions from military service. Thousands of young women are exempted from IDF service every year on the basis of false affidavits claiming that their religious lifestyles prevent them from serving in the army, even though they lead secular lives.

Thousands continue to receive IDF exemptions for false religious claims

Thousands continue to receive IDF exemptions for false religious claims

Six years after the enactment of the law to establish an administrative process for revoking thousands of women's falsely obtained exemptions for having religious beliefs that conflict with IDF service, the process of approving the regulations to prevent such women from dodging the draft has not occurred, despite the continued phony claims of religious values.

The State Comptroller's 2017 report: a searing indictment

The State Comptroller's 2017 report: a searing indictment

Israel’s 39-chapter annual state Comptroller report, published on Tuesday, May 16, was nothing less than a blistering indictment of the unholy alliance of religion & state in Israel, providing multiple examples of criminality, corruption, and discrimination conducted by government officials in the arena of religion & state.

76% of Israeli Jews oppose new conscription law

76% of Israeli Jews oppose new conscription law

Israel’s politicians have deliberately chosen to pursue legislation which is not only immoral but also unconstitutional, having been struck out twice already by the Supreme Court. The question, though, is how long it will take the Supreme Court to rule that this most recent amendment is illegal as well. Our politicians may be counting on this very fact: the wheels of justice grind slowly…

Haredi MK Yaakov Litzman bails draft evading yeshiva student out of jail

Haredi MK Yaakov Litzman bails draft evading yeshiva student out of jail

"Get out of jail free" is no longer a tactic limited to the Monopoly board, but now a method employed ultra-Orthodox rabbis and politicians to release yeshiva students arrested for draft evasion.

Is Tel Aviv still known for its draft-dodgers? It's worth a re-examination

Is Tel Aviv still known for its draft-dodgers? It's worth a re-examination

Once known for its allegedly low enlistment rates, Tel Aviv high school graduates have one of the highest IDF draft levels in Israel.

Shahar Ilan's op-ed on the ultra-Orthodox draft: A choice between equality and justice

Shahar Ilan's op-ed on the ultra-Orthodox draft: A choice between equality and justice

Will the Equality in Sharing the Burden Law achieve the goal stated by its very name? Hiddush VP Shahar Ilan discusses the development of one Israel's hottest political issues and the need for smart solutions in enforcing the law.

Hiddush's Supreme Court petition stops illegal funding to ultra-Orthodox draft dodgers

Hiddush's Supreme Court petition stops illegal funding to ultra-Orthodox draft dodgers

Hiddush's petition to the Supreme Court resulted in the landmark decision to freeze funding to yeshiva students who do not draft into the army. This is a necessary step to achieving equality in sharing the burden between all sectors of Israeli society.

Hiddush VP testifies: No partner in ultra-Orthodox leadership

Hiddush VP testifies: No partner in ultra-Orthodox leadership

Hiddush Vice President Shahar Ilan testified last week before the Plesner Committee on Equal Sharing of Civic Burdens. “Anyone who thinks there is a respected ultra-Orthodox authority who is ready to encourage yeshiva students to serve should suggest him. Even Rav Shteinman, presented as a moderate, leads the fight against compulsory service."


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