Search results for tag " exemption"

  • Picture of Maj. Gen. Orna Babibay erased from ultra-Orthodox paper
    Written by on 25/01/2012
    The face of the head of Human Resources for the IDF was completely erased, while her body remained on a Knesset panel discussion the Tal Law.

  • What was Eli Yishai thinking?
    Written by Uri Regev on 23/01/2012
    Eli Yishai's recent comparison of the Six Day War and the Second Lebanon War were not only offensive, they were just plain incorrect.

  • Yishai: Six Day War a success because soldiers “raised their eyes to G-d”
    Written by on 18/01/2012
    Interior Ministry Eli Yishai says the difference between the Second Lebanon War and the Six Day War was the faith of the soldiers

  • Rabbi Regev says: Torpedo Netanyahu’s extension to the Tal Law
    Written by on 17/01/2012
    The Tal Law, which intended to provide ultra-Orthodox men a means to fulfill military or civil service, has been called “a miserable farce” by MK Nitzan Horowitz. Rabbi Regev says “Any extension in the law beyond a year will be rewarding the law’s failure and encourage draft dodging.”

  • Tal Extension
    Written by on 17/01/2012
    Rabbi Uri Regev, called on coalition members Israel Beiteinu and Independence to “torpedo” the extension of the law.

  • Elyashiv: No Integreation
    Written by on 28/12/2011
    Rabbi Uri Regev says: “The number one leader is trying to prevent yeshiva students [from] gaining an education and going out to work.”

  • December 2011
    Written by on 05/12/2011
    Hiddush "Torah", Tzohar double-speak, Women disappearing

  • Hiddush to the Treasury: Transfer allocated funds to recruit ultra-Orthodox men
    Written by on 24/10/2011
    Knesset working group discovers that recruitment of 200 ultra-Orthodox men was rejected because the Treasury is unwilling to fulfill commits to pay. Rabbi Uri Regev: “Recruiting ultra-Orthodox men is an investment in the economy, not rivaled by many.” Calls on ultra-Orthodox political parties to join the struggle

  • October 2011
    Written by on 04/10/2011
    Israeli Religion and State Index

  • 2011 Religion and State Index
    Written by on 03/10/2011
    80% of the Jewish population is dissatisfied with how the government handles issues of religion and state.

  • Livni: No Core Curriculum, No Funding.
    Written by on 05/09/2011
    Livni shared her thoughts at the “Israel 2021 Conference” and in an interview with the newspaper The Marker. Hiddush CEO Rabbi Regev welcomes her comments: “If Livni can fulfill her promise, there can be true social justice.”

  • Ben-Gurion Expressed Regret for Army Exemptions for Yeshiva Students
    Written by on 05/09/2011
    Hiddush publishes a letter from Israel's first prime minister suggesting regret for the army exemption granted to men in yeshivot.


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