Search results for tag "Deri"

  • Politicians and Shabbat – this is not the way!
    Written by Uri Regev on 30/01/2017
    Shabbat appears in the Ten Commandments twice; once anchored in Divine Creation and once in the context of social justice, concern for society’s weak.

  • Shas Party proposes a bill to outlaw mixed prayer at Western Wall
    Written by on 01/12/2016
    The Shas party declared on Monday that it would propose a bill that would make it illegal to hold pluralistic prayer services at the Western Wall plaza.

  • The ‘Muezzin Bill’ – a masquerade
    Written by Uri Regev on 22/11/2016
    It's the Litzmans and Deris of the religious Jewish leadership that have never hesitated to deny these very freedoms to fellow Jews and non-Jews whenever they have had the political ability to do so.

  • How low can Israeli politicians stoop?
    Written by Uri Regev on 17/11/2016
    Regardless of one's political view point, it seems that many Americans are still trying to recover from the language that characterized much of the Presidential election campaign and manifested itself in some post election outbursts, including racial and anti-Semitic public displays.

  • Israeli religious leaders' theological responses to the US elections
    Written by on 15/11/2016
    Some days out after the US elections, we can now take a look and share with you an angle that has not been covered by the US media, including the Jewish media. Namely, the Israeli religious "angle," both prior to and immediately after the elections. Needless to say, Hiddush, which focuses solely on issues of religion and state in Israel, is not taking a stand on the merits of the campaigns, the desirability of the candidates, the election results, nor the plethora of political post-election reactions in Israel, mostly from settlers and right-wing political party leaders.

  • Politicians heap insults upon non-Orthodox Jewry
    Written by on 08/02/2016
    Will Netanyahu seriously take a stand, confront these bigoted leaders and do something of substance against their venomous insults? Moreover, will Netanyahu do what it takes to truly ensure that all Jews feel at home in Israel, and that equality and pluralism extend beyond the southern Kotel plaza?

  • Affirmative action for Haredim or cronyism?
    Written by Uri Regev on 23/12/2015
    On Sunday, Israel’s cabinet approved an affirmative action initiative enabling more ultra-Orthodox workers to find employment in the civil service, as part of Shas’s leader, Minister Rabbi Aryeh Deri’s strategy to integrate the Haredi community into the civil service.

  • Religion and State in Battle: Operation Protective Edge and Beyond
    Written by on 13/08/2014
    Several occurrences over the past several weeks signify both opportunities for progress and serious challenges.

  • Religion's pervasive role in Operation Protective Edge
    Written by on 11/08/2014
    Operation Protective Edge was accompanied by several occurences that signify opportunities for progress as well as serious challenges that must be addressed.


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