Search results for tag " IDF "

  • How is this Passover different?
    Written by on 29/03/2018
    The enslavement of the Israelites in Egypt is an important memory, but, on THIS holiday of freedom, no less important is our awareness of the ongoing battle for freedom of religion and conscience TODAY. Ironically, these are denied to people in Israel, especially to Jews!

  • What do draft-dodging and the national budget have in common?
    Written by Uri Regev on 18/03/2018
    The "draft-dodging" bill is being demanded by the ultra-Orthodox political parties, lest they topple the government and force new elections.

  • Masquerade Ball: Don't comply with the Haredi parties' demands
    Written by on 13/03/2018
    The bill presented to the Ministerial Committee on Legislation is complex and full of words, but it can be boiled down to this: any yeshiva student who does not want to enlist will not be drafted into the IDF

  • Hiddush Survey for International Women's Day
    Written by on 07/03/2018
    72% of the Israeli public believes that all political parties running for seats in the Knesset, including the ultra-Orthodox parties, should be required to include female candidates on their party candidates lists and allow women to become party members. 88% favor integrating women into the IDF [69% support the inclusion of women in every possible role, including in combat, and another 19% support their integration into all non-combat roles]. 12% oppose enlisting women into the army at all.

  • Hiddush Survey for International Women's Day
    Written by on 07/03/2018
    72% of the Israeli public believes that all political parties running for seats in the Knesset, including the ultra-Orthodox parties, should be required to include female candidates on their party candidates lists and allow women to become party members. 88% favor integrating women into the IDF [69% support the inclusion of women in every possible role, including in combat, and another 19% support their integration into all non-combat roles]. 12% oppose enlisting women into the army at all.

  • 79% Israelis oppose laws to legalize draft dodging by yeshiva students
    Written by on 05/03/2018
    A new survey reveals how strongly the Israeli public is opposed to the demand of the ultra-Orthodox parties to pass a new 'Basic Law: Torah study', as well as an amendment to the Defense Service Law to legalize the continued draft dodging of most yeshiva students.

  • 79% Israelis oppose laws to legalize draft dodging by yeshiva students
    Written by on 05/03/2018
    A new survey reveals how strongly the Israeli public is opposed to the demand of the ultra-Orthodox parties to pass a new 'Basic Law: Torah study', as well as an amendment to the Defense Service Law to legalize the continued draft dodging of most yeshiva students.

  • Nearing the point of explosion!
    Written by Uri Regev on 01/03/2018
    "The storm is rising," I wrote recently. Now, I can definitely say that the situation is nearing the point of explosion! Also, this time, it is clear that the religion-state clash is an integral part of the approaching explosion.

  • Thanks to Hiddush - a serious loophole closed
    Written by on 13/02/2018
    Just this week, on Tuesday, following Hiddush's petition, the Knesset approved regulations that would, for the first time, put a halt to the mass phenomenon of false claims of religiosity aimed at receiving exemptions from military service. Thousands of young women are exempted from IDF service every year on the basis of false affidavits claiming that their religious lifestyles prevent them from serving in the army, even though they lead secular lives.

  • Rabbis are undermining the foundations of the State
    Written by on 01/02/2018
    Yesterday, Defense Minister Liberman reacted to recent public pronouncements of leading Israeli rabbis from the "Zionist ultra-Orthodox" camp that were aimed against women's military service.

  • Thousands continue to receive IDF exemptions for false religious claims
    Written by on 21/12/2017
    Six years after the enactment of the law to establish an administrative process for revoking thousands of women's falsely obtained exemptions for having religious beliefs that conflict with IDF service, the process of approving the regulations to prevent such women from dodging the draft has not occurred, despite the continued phony claims of religious values.

  • Secular military funerals permitted for first time ever
    Written by on 25/06/2017
    Following Hiddush's demands: the IDF regulations regarding the burial of fallen soldiers have been changed. It is now possible to hold a military funeral without religious contents in a military cemetery and - secular military funerals in civil cemeteries.

  • Study finds that religious women in IDF report increased religious convictions
    Written by on 02/06/2017
    A new Israeli study found that young women who served in the IDF reported an increase in their level of religious convictions, more so than those who served in National Service. 89% said that their religious levels were not harmed or even improved during their IDF service.

  • 75% Israelis support coed service in the IDF
    Written by on 30/05/2017
    According to a Hiddush survey, the overwhelming majority of the Israeli Jewish public supports coed military service, including most of the voters for the Government Coalition parties.

  • 75% Israelis support coed service in the IDF
    Written by on 30/05/2017
    According to a Hiddush survey, the overwhelming majority of the Israeli Jewish public supports coed military service, including most of the voters for the Government Coalition parties.

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