Search results for tag " Israel Religion "

  • Hiddush Poll: 43% of the Israeli Jewish public support Lapid’s entry into political life
    Written by on 16/01/2012
    34% of the respondents said they are very likely or somewhat likely to vote for a new party that will advance religious freedom and the equal shouldering of civic responsibilities. Hiddush president, Rabbi Uri Regev: “There is great eagerness among Israelis for a new political leader that will focus on religious freedom and equality”.

  • Synagogue & State
    Written by on 11/01/2012
    What do Israelis want with regards religion and state? Leonard Fein responds.

  • Dancing to protest
    Written by on 07/12/2011
    Ultra-Orthodox groups threaten a dance studio because the dancing is not “modest”; dancers respond by lifting their shades and dancing in public.


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