Search results for tag " Reform Judaism"

  • “Reform” as a generic invective
    Written by on 01/10/2021
    On the eve of Sukkot, the cover of the Shas party’s newspaper “HaDerekh” featured an interview with the party leader, Rabbi Aryeh Deri as the lead article. The first item, in order and in importance, they chose to highlight was the delegitimization of the "Reformers" (i.e. Reform Jews).

  • The Ultra-Orthodox Reform Paranoia
    Written by on 15/07/2021
    In recent months, the phenomenon of ultra-Orthodox attacks against Reform Judaism has escalated, especially due to the participation of Rabbi Gilad Kariv (the foremost Israeli Reform leader) in the new ruling coalition.

  • The storm is rising
    Written by Uri Regev on 15/02/2018
    It seems that matters of ethics and the moral, appropriate behavior of Israel’s political leadership (in which the ancient prophets of Israel showed great interest), don't interest the Haredi parties, nor require taking a stand from the perspective of the leaders of parties that claim to represent authentic Judaism.

  • Deputy Minister Hotovely: pluralistic Judaism "emptied Judaism of content"
    Written by on 08/11/2017
    At a conference of the American-Israeli community in Washington, the Deputy Foreign Minister said that non-Orthodox Judaism is not accepted in Israel. Director of the Reform movement: "Hotovely joins the wild campaign of incitement that has been going on in recent months against Reform Judaism."

  • MK Gafni's hatred of Reform Jews trumps matters of life and death
    Written by on 15/06/2017
    MK Rabbi Moshe Gafni's remarks about leaning politically to the left at this year's Haaretz's "Peace Conference" were subsequently covered widely in the media, and even caused some internal furor within UTJ.

  • US Reform leadership meets with PM Netanyahu
    Written by on 15/03/2017
    The Prime Minister must either stop the incitement against non-Orthodox Judaism from within his own government or sever his political alliance with those who wage war against world Jewry and block Netanyhu's own public commitment to ensure that all Jews feel at home in Israel.

  • A Missed Opportunity to Support Secular Life in Israel
    Written by on 06/05/2016
    The rabbinate sees itself as waging a culture war, and it has been winning. Since the state’s founding rabbinic power thwarts the development of a secular conception of citizenship. Hiddush polled Israeli Jews and found that 71% support the freedom to marry and divorce independent of the Orthodox rabbinate.

  • Politicians heap insults upon non-Orthodox Jewry
    Written by on 08/02/2016
    Will Netanyahu seriously take a stand, confront these bigoted leaders and do something of substance against their venomous insults? Moreover, will Netanyahu do what it takes to truly ensure that all Jews feel at home in Israel, and that equality and pluralism extend beyond the southern Kotel plaza?

  • Finance Minister Yair Lapid: Israel cannot be the only western country without religious freedom
    Written by on 01/06/2014
    The Israeli Finance Minister spoke at the Israeli Reform Movement's 50th Anniversary and renewed his commitment to religious freedom and denominational equality.

  • Reuven Rivlin called Reform Judaism 'idol worship'
    Written by on 27/05/2014
    Israeli presidential candidate's 1989 visit to an American Reform synagogue was marked by his disrespectful statements about non-Orthodoxy Jewry.

  • Susie Gelman: After Pew, do we really need to argue over who is a Jew?
    Written by on 23/02/2014
    The former President of the Jewish Federation of Greater Washington and North American Co-Chair of the 2013 General Assembly writes about the recent controversy over MK David Rotem's discriminatory remarks about Reform Judaism.

  • Support for Jewish Pluralism is on the Rise!
    Written by on 10/09/2013
    The 2013 Religion and State Index shows that are growing number of Israelis support equal recognition for non-Orthodox rabbis and marriages.

  • A rapidly growing number of Israelis support Jewish pluralism and equality in Israel
    Written by on 10/09/2013
    The 2013 Religion and State Index look at the standing of Reform and Conservative Judaism in Israel for the first time. The results were surprisingly optimistic and show that more and more Israelis see the need to recognize all major Jewish denominations.

  • What they are saying about non-Orthodox Judaism and rabbis: A Compilation of Quotes
    Written by on 30/08/2012
    Hiddush exposes the hate speech that continues to inform policy, leading to continued discrimination of non-Orthodox Jews.

  • US Jews must fight Israel’s policy on religious freedom
    Written by Uri Regev on 01/08/2012
    Recent actions of Israel’s Chief Rabbinate threaten to divide the Jewish people and risk an anti-religious backlash against Judaism itself within the Jewish state. Of particular concern is the monopoly of the Chief Rabbinate over issues of personal status – particularly marriage, divorce, burial, and conversion to Judaism.


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