Search results for tag " olim"

  • An open letter to the Jewish Agency Board of Governors
    Written by Uri Regev on 25/02/2020
    Ironically, while the Israeli government expresses identification with victims of antisemitism, regardless of their religious stream, it continues to deny equality for non-Orthodox Jews in Israel.

  • Chief Rabbi Yosef calls immigrants to Israel non-Jewish communists
    Written by on 09/01/2020
    Almost every news broadcast in recent days, whether on radio or television, has included a segment on the scandalous statements made by Chief Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef, denigrating the olim from the former Soviet Union, as well as the numerous public and political reactions to his vile, violent message.

  • Analysis of Israelis from the Former Soviet Union
    Written by David Bogomolny on 19/08/2015
    The graphs below show the opinions held by FSU olim in Israel, as compared to the general, Jewish Israeli public. It should go without saying that this demographic is the most adversely affected by the Orthodox Rabbinate's monopolistic powers, and there is no way one could envisage the successful absorption of the FSU immigrant population into Israel society if these issues are not resolved - first and foremost, the right to marry freely!

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