Search results for tag " stipends"

  • Trajtenberg Committee Recommends Compulsory core curriculum, limiting the study of young men in yeshiva.
    Written by on 26/09/2011
    The Trajtenberg Committee, appointed by the Prime Minister to address the public’s concern on socio-economic issues, has released its findings. They have made bold recommendations, asking to require ultra-Orthodox schools to utilize core curriculum, and limit publicly funded yeshiva study to five years except in the case of prodigies. CEO Rabbi Uri Regev called for Netanyahu to implement the recommendations in full and stave off pressures from ultra-Orthodox political parties.

  • Economic Change Will Need Ultra-Orthodox Men
    Written by on 24/08/2011
    Hiddush Vice-President, Shahar Ilan, warns the Trajtenberg Committee meeting that economic reform must take into account the lack of young ultra-Orthodox men to the work force.

  • High Court petition: Stop continued payment of stipends to kollel students
    Written by on 23/01/2011
    The National Union of Israeli Students, Hiddush, Israel Religious Action Center, and other organizations are asking the court to bar continued payment of an allowance that the High Court of Justice struck down half a year ago


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