Search results for tag " supreme court"

  • Hiddush Advances Food Security, Halts Ultra-Orthodox Corruption
    Written by on 25/12/2024
    The Supreme court accepted a petition by Hiddush, which addressed the attempt by Rabbi Deri, leader of Shas, to funnel hundreds of millions of shekels annually to support voters of ultra-Orthodox parties under the guise of caring for food security

  • The Efforts to Promote Utah Online Marriage Continue
    Written by on 24/03/2024
    Hiddush gives legal counsel to couples who seek to marry using the Online Marriage platform in Utah

  • Draft Them Now!
    Written by on 10/03/2024
    78% of the public supports canceling the existing exemption for the ultra-Orthodox

  • Historic Supreme Court Hearing
    Written by on 13/09/2023
    Contrary to the claims of the initiators of the "Legal reform”, trust in the Supreme Court is almost four times greater than in the Knesset

  • North American lawyers address the new government
    Written by Uri Regev on 30/11/2022
    On November 30, JPLAN, a network of Jewish lawyers, judges and legal scholars from North America (the Jewish Pluralism Legal Action Network, which works to strengthen Israel’s identity as a Jewish and democratic state in a manner that fully expresses freedom of religion and equality as promised in Israel’s Declaration of Independence) addressed the leaders of the parties currently working to form the new government.

  • From the Legal Trenches
    Written by on 29/11/2022
    The fight to advance freedom of marriage was crowned with yet another victory last week. A Supreme Court Justice, Prof. Dafna Barak-Erez, rejected the state's request to postpone implementation of the ruling by the administrative court in Jerusalem on "Utah marriages" (civil marriages of Israelis performed in Utah, USA, by video).

  • How do we know that the override clause is a despicable initiative?
    Written by Uri Regev on 10/11/2022
    Many political figures present the demand for legislation of the “override clause” as essential for "the judicial system’s health”, for "increasing public trust in the Supreme Court", and a host of other slogans which sound reasonable and responsible, but which are actually far removed from that.

  • Israel’s Supreme Court Under Threat
    Written by Uri Regev on 08/09/2022
    The future of Israel’s Judiciary, its independence and authority, and the rule of law have been threatened for some time, and are especially challenged at the present time, as Israel prepares for its fifth round of elections in the last three years.

  • The Weekly Scandal: “Blow up the Supreme Court”
    Written by Uri Regev on 10/05/2022
    There is hardly a week that goes by without a scandal or a struggle over religion and state. The weekly scandal, which accompanied last week's Independence Day celebration, is the video clip in which MK Yitzhak Pindrus, chair of the UTJ (United Torah Judaism, the Ashkenazi ultra-Orthodox faction in the Knesset) is seen expressing his desire to blow up the Supreme Court: “You know what my dream is? To bring a D9 [bulldozer] and blow up the building.”

  • Hiddush battling for civil burial in Court
    Written by on 30/09/2021
    Today in court there was good news and bad news. On the one hand, the Justices of the Supreme Court that heard the petition praised Hiddush’s initiative, which prompted the Ministry of Religious Services to speed up its handling of the issue. On the other hand, the court considered the petition too broad and encouraged Hiddush to file separate and concrete petitions in relation to localities.

  • The Court conversion ruling and the elections
    Written by on 18/03/2021
    Non-Orthodox conversion and the Supreme Court are playing a key role in these elections, especially in the election propaganda of the ultra-Orthodox parties.

  • What they said about the landmark Court ruling
    Written by Uri Regev on 05/03/2021
    The Supreme Court was kind to Israel in issuing its ruling this week on the matter of the eligibility under the Law of Return for Reform and Conservative Conversions performed in Israel. Opponents of recognizing non-Orthodox converts rushed to condemn the Court and criticize it for not waiting another few weeks or months, after having waited 15 years, until after the next Knesset elections. However, the truth is that the ruling is of great importance in helping the public decide whom to vote for and what direction it wants the State of Israel to grow. It wasn’t the the verdict itself, which is important, but rather the violent [verbal] reactions , not yet physical] that erupted from the very moment it was published and the political demarcations that divide the responding camps.

  • The friend of my enemy is my enemy
    Written by on 04/03/2021
    Most people are familiar with the expression “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” – it dates back to the 4th century BCE, and one compelling example of its relevance is the case of the USSR partnering with the Western European nations and United States to defeat the Nazis. A more recent compelling example is the increasing closeness of the Gulf States to Israel, as Iran, a common enemy, threatens them both.

  • Legal fronts against religious discrimination
    Written by on 05/02/2021
    Hiddush has been active on several legal fronts against religious discrimination in the IDF, including the battle against exempting yeshivas students from conscription along with the rest of their Israeli peers.

  • Once again – Religion-State conflict irreconcilable
    Written by on 28/10/2020
    This week, Israel was confronted once again with compelling evidence that the longtime festering conflict between religion and state in Israel is irreconcilable. Resolving it by removing state authority from Israel’s religious establishment is the only answer.


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