A man with an appetite for life
Reaction to the death of Shimon Peres (1923-2016)
Hiddush President Stanley Gold knew President Shimon Peres z"l for over 30 years. He recalls a lunch date in Israel with Mr. Peres about 10 years ago.
Stanley P. Gold 29/09/2016 14:29
Tags: Shimon Peres

President Shimon Peres z''l (1923-2016),
photo: Hadas Parush ,Flash 90
Originally posted in the Jewish Journal
I knew Shimon Peres for over 30 years. About 10 years ago I was in Israel on a business trip. While having lunch in a popular restaurant, I heard my name being called out. It was Shimon complaining loudly that I had come to Israel and had failed to call him or set a meeting with him. Sheepishly, I apologized and we set a lunch date for the coming Friday afternoon at a restaurant of his choosing.
We met at 1pm and Shimon ordered for both of us: a whiskey to start, soup, salad, a first course of fish and a main course of duck l'orange. There was white wine, red wine and a very rich dessert. Shimon was in his early 80's at the time and I'm 20 years younger ... .and I consider myself a professional eater. No matter; it wasn't a contest. Shimon put me to shame, eating me under the table ... all the time holding forth on Israel's opportunities for building a greater, more peaceful and just society. His enthusiasm was contagious, even if I could not keep up with his calorie count.
This was Shimon at his best and this was Shimon running at normal speed for him (and light speed for the rest of us). For him Israel was a project that needed to be completed today; "we'll make the desert bloom" was one of his favorite expressions...and he meant it to happen now.
Shimon attacked life everyday as he had attacked that lunch so many years ago. Where others saw problems, he saw opportunities. Where others defined problems, he dreamed of solutions.
Shortly after reaching the Oslo Agreements he even dreamed for the Palestinians, telling me that "we" had to help this population achieve a better life because a lasting peace would only come when the Palestinians could see a path to an improved life.
In the end, he lived the most Jewish of lives ... he lived a life of meaning and purpose and all of us that follow him in the Zionist Dream are the beneficiaries of his wisdom, drive and boundless energy ... and we need to finish his work.
Like all lives, it had its disappointments; it's lost elections; it's failed peace agreements; it's wars of attrition. But nothing could dull his drive and his enthusiasm. He swallowed life whole everyday. He was a one man cheering section for all that is good about humanity.
In the end, he lived the most Jewish of lives ... he lived a life of meaning and purpose and all of us that follow him in the Zionist Dream are the beneficiaries of his wisdom, drive and boundless energy ... and we need to finish his work.