Lalum threatens Yishai
The haredi website Kikar HaShabbat reports: The chairman of the organization Noar C'Halacha, Yoav Laloum, who headed the Immanuel campaign, warns Yishai that the fight against the discrimination of Mizrahim in education will resume
01/03/2011 12:26
Tags: shas · haredim · ashkenazim · sephari · education

lalum Flash90
The haredi website Kikar HaShabbat reports that the campaign against discrimination at seminars is resuming with greater force. An article by B. Nissani says that with the opening of the registration period for seminars, Yoav Lalum, chairman of the movement Noar C’Halacha, sent a strongly worded letter to Shas Party chairman Eli Yishai, whom he considers largely to blame for the ongoing discrimination against Sephardi girls.
Lalum wrote to Yishai: “Dozens of girls who are still at home, and have been since the beginning of the school year 5771, join other girls who have been at home since the school year 5770… in contravention of the Compulsory Education Law. The truant officers who operate in the local authorities and are under the jurisdiction of your ministry are helpless to act.”
He reminds Yishai that, “immediately after the Supreme Court ruling on the Immanuel affair in the month of Tammuz, you gave interviews to the media and announced that you intend to set up a committee of rabbis that would work to deal with the phenomenon. You alerted and warned, as is right and proper, that a seminar director would do wisely not to test
we will thank you to inform us whether all of Shas’ ministers and MKs really did transfer their daughters to the education institutions
you on this matter because he would meet with a hard hand and far-reaching measures.”
According to Lalum, “it seems that these warnings failed to make the necessary impression and became nothing but lip service, for we have not heard that anything real has been done in their wake.”
The most important part of Lalum’s letter appears to be the warning: “We will act to abolish the contemptible phenomenon of discrimination against Sephardi girls at haredi schools, by any means that will resolve it, including – if there is no other choice – by pursuing legal avenues. We hope that this will not be necessary. In contrast to the past, you will not be able to claim that we did not turn to you before we carried out our moves.”
Toward the end of the letter, Lalum aims a barbed comment at the chairman of Shas: “On this occasion we will thank you to inform us whether all of Shas’ ministers and MKs really did transfer their daughters to the education institutions of ‘Maayan Ha-hinuch Ha-torani,” as ordered by Maran Rishon L'Tzion Hgr’a Yosef Shlita – president of the Council of Sages.”