Yeshiva Students Cheat Ministry
10,000 Yeshiva students have been playing hooky and bilking Israel’s Ministry of Education of NIS 4.5 million, according to a recent audit.
13/06/2011 11:10
Tags: yeshiva · hiddush · Uri Regev

Hebron Yeshiva. 20.06.2010. Photo: Flash 90 width
Apparently, the audit succeeded in reducing the Yeshiva stipend rolls by 10%, but the total payout remains the same. Hiddush — for Religious Freedom and Equality in Israel, headed by Rabbi Uri Regev, claims that Yeshivas routinely
if you want to get paid, you’ve got to show up
put thousands of fictitious students on their rosters, and only voluntarily cut them when government audits are threatened. Regev has called for stricter audit guidelines and for the prosecution of Yeshiva heads who defraud the government.
To read entire article go to The Jewish Daily Forward