The findings are clear
54% Israelis: IDF soldiers have right to eat chametz
In light of the public and political battle that accompanies the petition Hiddush submitted (on behalf of itself, the Secular Forum, and a group of parents of IDF soldiers) to reduce the sweeping ban against leavened foods during Passover on IDF bases, Hiddush decided to survey the positions of Israel’s adult Jewish public on this matter.
17/03/2022 14:31
Tags: IDF · Passover · Hiddush surveys · kashrut · kosher food

Support for permitting IDF soldiers to consume chametz during Passover (by religiosity)
The findings are clear: The majority of Israel’s adult Jewish public supports the position of the petitioners and opposes the policies of the Military Rabbinate and IDF authorities. 54% support soldiers' rights to eat chametz in their private domains at IDF bases during Passover, even as the IDF ensures the availability of kosher food by the military in its dining rooms and canteens. This finding emerges from a survey conducted by the Smith Institute for Hiddush - for Freedom of Religion and Equality.
The ultra-Orthodox political leadership’s and the Rabbinate’s battle against freedom of religion in Israel in general and – in particular – against the recognition of the right of IDF soldiers to eat food of their choice during Passover (outside IDF dining rooms and canteens), even in their private domains, has manifested in extreme ways in recent days. Extreme and threatening attacks against Supreme Court justices; demands to dismiss a justice that expressed understanding and sensitivity towards the needs of secular and non-Jewish soldiers; legislative attempts to preempt the Supreme Court's review in this legal matter… And all this on the unfounded claim that their position represents the will of the public: they claim that most Israeli Jews support the perpetuation of widespread religious coercion on Passover, even as it this not required by Halacha and stands in sheer contradiction to the values of freedom of religion and conscience. This Hiddush survey is intended to put this absurd misrepresentation of public attitudes to the test.

Support for permitting IDF soldiers to consume chametz during Passover (by '21 vote)
The survey question was: “The Supreme Court is hearing a petition intended to allow secular Jewish and non-Jewish soldiers to possess and consume chametz during Passover at IDF bases (outside of military food facilities, such as residential rooms, or in designated areas) in a manner that does not interfere with the IDF’s kosher food or with the ability of observant soldiers to keep kosher?”
As stated, according to the survey, 54% of those who expressed an opinion support this. Among them - 80% of secular Israeli Jews, who constitute about half of Israel’s Jewish public, share this position.
A large majority of voters for all the coalition parties support IDF soldiers being permitted to possess and eat chametz in their private domains on IDF bases during Passover. Only those who voted for the Yamina party are divided on this matter.
The survey was conducted on March 13, 2022 by telephone and via online panel, among a representative sample of Israel’s adult Jewish population of 500 people. The sampling error is ± 4.5%.
The ultra-Orthodox politicians and their supporters continue to present a false picture of the public's position.
Hiddush’s survey findings consistently follow on previously measured attitudes of Israel’s adult Jewish public in all matters of religion and state, which Hiddush has been monitoring since its establishment. There is no doubt that an unequivocal majority of the public wants the full realization of the Declaration of Independence’s promise of freedom of religion and conscience. Alongside respecting the rights of Israel’s religious public, the majority wants to abolish religious coercion and opposes the attempts of the ultra-Orthodox and Zionist ultra-Orthodox minority to perpetuate this coercion. The ultra-Orthodox politicians and their supporters continue to present a false picture of the public's position. One can only hope that the coalition parties will demonstrate the necessary resolve and announce their opposition to recent attempts to legislatively perpetuate religious coercion, which were just initiated by a number of MKs to counter Hiddush’s petition. Our position, supported by the majority of the public, is clear – ensuring kosher food for Passover for all IDF soldiers and – at the same time – reducing the restrictive prohibitions currently being imposed upon soldiers’ private domains and denying them the right to consume foods of their choice in such a way that does not detract from the IDF’s ability to provide kosher food.