Equality in Sharing the Burden, without the equality

Rabbi Uri Regev details the problematic aspects with the Shaked law

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It's like fruit salad without the fruit... Following the conclusion of the Knesset's summer session, Rabbi Uri Regev provides a quick, but comprehensive overview of the development of the latest law proposal for ultra-Orthodox army enlistment. Though the legislation aims to promote equality in sharing Israel's civic and defense burden, this law will achieve that necessary goal.

There are four main problematic areas:

-The law's delayed implementation

-The sweeping exemptions given to current students

-The use of criminal punishments for draft dodgers

-The decision to draft the students at age 21

Until these four issues are properly addressed by the Knesset members responsible for preparing this law, the inequitable status quo will only persevere. Equal participation in army service is crucial to a strong and sustainable Israel as a both Jewish and Democratic state. Therefore, we must continue to demand responsible and effective action from Israel's leaders until tangible equality is achieved.

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