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Chief Rabbi Yosef: Science, math are nonsense

Chief Rabbi Yosef: Science, math are nonsense

Every week we receive reminders that the Chief Rabbinate's institution poses a danger to the State of Israel. This time it is the Chief Rabbi Yitzchak Yosef, the son of the late Chief Rabbi and Shas leader, Rabbi Ovadia Yosef.

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Chief Rabbi Lau publicly anti-Diaspora Judaism

Chief Rabbi Lau publicly anti-Diaspora Judaism

It is difficult to conceive of a greater contradiction than that between Chief Rabbi David Lau’s outrageous statement last week, lashing out at Education Minister Naftali Bennett’s visit to the Conservative Movement’s Schechter School in Manhattan, and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s welcome declaration at last month’s General Assembly of the Jewish Federations of North America, where he stated that he would “ensure that all Jews – Reform, Conservative and Orthodox – feel at home in Israel.”

Chief Rabbinate perverting Sukkot with religious bigotry

Chief Rabbinate perverting Sukkot with religious bigotry

Only one year ago, Chief Rabbi Lau self-righteously preached to the Pope, proclaiming Israel's greatness in protection of religious freedom, and now he himself aimed to curtail Christian prayer services in Jerusalem.

Revealing interview with Chief Rabbi David Lau

Revealing interview with Chief Rabbi David Lau

Chief Rabbi David Lau reminds us once again why the mindset of the Israeli Chief Rabbinate is so misguided and objectionable. His manipulative approach is rejected throughout the Jewish diaspora and nowhere throughout the democratic Jewish communities would such “logic” hold water.

Revolution in Rabbinate’s Kashrut Regulations, following Hiddush’s Battle

Revolution in Rabbinate’s Kashrut Regulations, following Hiddush’s Battle

The Chief Rabbinate updates its kashrut regulations for hotels, hostels and event halls to be in accordance with Israeli law. Finally, kashrut certification will only be granted upon the basis of whether the food is kosher or not!

The Rabbinate’s animosity toward Christianity

The Rabbinate’s animosity toward Christianity

International acceptance and global Jewish support for Israel as both a Jewish and democratic state must be founded upon respect for all faiths and an embrace of Jewish diversity.

Private kosher certification: Integrity or Fraud?

Private kosher certification: Integrity or Fraud?

A small revolution is under way in Jerusalem - activist Rabbi Aaron Leibowitz has founded a private kosher certification organization called Hashgacha Pratit, and is challenging the Chief Rabbinate's monopoly on kosher certification in Israel.

Rabbi Shlomo Amar's Uncandid Candidacy

Rabbi Shlomo Amar's Uncandid Candidacy

Rabbi Shlomo Amar was elected Chief Sephardic Rabbi of Jerusalem after some back room wheeling and dealing. He invited Dr. Laura Wharton and Rabbi Bandel of Meretz over during the holiday of Sukkot to secure the Meretz vote, and then he claimed not to know them.

Values we should expect from the chief rabbis of Jerusalem

Values we should expect from the chief rabbis of Jerusalem

There is grave concern that instead of the necessary attributes for those fit to serve as Jerusalem’s chief rabbis, the selection will instead be based upon political deals and ulterior motives.

Christian intolerance towards the Jews of Huxley

Christian intolerance towards the Jews of Huxley

Jewish organizations, as expected, come to the defense of the Jewish community of Huxley, as Christian leaders attempt to ban their prayer event. But what would Jewish organizations do in the reverse situation?

Hypocrisy and self-righteousness?

Hypocrisy and self-righteousness?

Should Israelis and world Jewry be satisfied with the chief rabbis’ pronouncements during Pope Francis’s recent visit to Israel? On the surface, the answer is “yes.”

Jerusalem Post Editorial: Dissolve the rabbinate

Jerusalem Post Editorial: Dissolve the rabbinate

The 2013 Religion and State Index showed that 70% of Israeli Jews oppose the Chief Rabbinate in its current form. That includes Israelis from all over the Jewish spectrum. This time, it's the Jerusalem Post Editorial Board calling for the desperately-needed change.

Following the election: It's time to bring the Chief Rabbinate to its proper burial

Following the election: It's time to bring the Chief Rabbinate to its proper burial

In light of the results of the Chief Rabbinate elections, Hiddush CEO Rabbi Uri Regev is calling to dismantle the institution.

Jerusalem Post Op-ed: It's time to retire the Chief Rabbinate

Jerusalem Post Op-ed: It's time to retire the Chief Rabbinate

On July 24, a voting body made up of 150 rabbis, politicians and community leaders will decide who will be the next Sephardi and Ashkenazi chief rabbis of Israel. What is this coercive institution doing to Israeli Judaism?

Israel's Other Impending Election

Israel's Other Impending Election

David Stav Offers Illusion of Pluralism in Chief Rabbi Fight

Hiddush Original: Don’t Push me to the Back of the Bus!

Hiddush Original: Don’t Push me to the Back of the Bus!

Marking International Human Rights Day on December 10th, Hiddush released a short film in protest, featuring Israeli Artists celebrities called “Don’t push me to the back of the bus!”

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