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Hiddush Annual Religion and State Index 2024

Hiddush Annual Religion and State Index 2024

The government is acting against the will of the public in all matters related to religion and state

Religion State Index

Hiddush Annual Religion and State Index 2024

Hiddush Annual Religion and State Index 2024

The government is acting against the will of the public in all matters related to religion and state


52% more likely to vote for a party that commits to religious freedom

52% more likely to vote for a party that commits to religious freedom

64% of undecided voters said that they are more likely to vote for a party that will commit itself to promoting freedom of religion and equality of civic burden. So too, 52% of the adult Jewish public.


The Coalition Agreements: Religion and State Clauses

The Coalition Agreements: Religion and State Clauses

We are pleased to present to you the analysis report prepared by Hiddush on the religion and state clauses in Israel's 2015 coalition agreements. The document deals with budgets matters; education; freedom of religion and equality of civic burden.

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