Search results for tag " Hiddush "

  • The 2016 Israel Religion & State Index
    Written by on 04/10/2016
    81% of Israeli Jews are dissatisfied with the Government's activities in the realm of religion & state; 66% support the Kotel compromise; 66% support freedom of marriage; 4 out of 5 secular Jews do not want to marry via the Orthodox Rabbinate.

  • 62% support right of non-Orthodox converts to use mikva'ot
    Written by on 28/06/2016
    86% of Israel's secular Jewish population support this right, but 91% of the ultra-Orthodox population is opposed. Hiddush VP Shahar Ilan: "This Knesset vote was nothing less than spitting in the face of world Jewry. The best way to predict the Government Coalition's course of action on matters of religion and state is to poll the Israeli public and assume that the Coalition will do exactly the opposite."

  • 62% support right of non-Orthodox converts to use mikva'ot
    Written by on 28/06/2016
    86% of Israel's secular Jewish population support this right, but 91% of the ultra-Orthodox population is opposed. Hiddush VP Shahar Ilan: "This Knesset vote was nothing less than spitting in the face of world Jewry. The best way to predict the Government Coalition's course of action on matters of religion and state is to poll the Israeli public and assume that the Coalition will do exactly the opposite."

  • Israeli Funds for Youth at Risk Skewed Toward ultra-Orthodox Jews
    Written by on 09/06/2016
    Some 60 percent of the funds budgeted for youth at risk goes toward helping ultra-Orthodox teenagers, even though they are only 15 percent of the teen population, according to Social Affairs Ministry data compiled by Hiddush.

  • Support for same-sex marriage/civil unions - record high of 76%!
    Written by on 01/06/2016
    80% of the Jewish Israeli public supports giving married LGBTQ couples all or most of the same rights and privileges as heterosexual married couples. Hiddush CEO Rabbi Regev: "These results - yet another reason for pride during Pride Month, but the legal and political reality is shameful."

  • A Missed Opportunity to Support Secular Life in Israel
    Written by on 06/05/2016
    The rabbinate sees itself as waging a culture war, and it has been winning. Since the state’s founding rabbinic power thwarts the development of a secular conception of citizenship. Hiddush polled Israeli Jews and found that 71% support the freedom to marry and divorce independent of the Orthodox rabbinate.

  • 2014 Religion and State Index first edition
    Written by on 01/09/2015
    This year's Index bears a clear and crucial message for world Jewry: More than two-thirds (67%) of Israeli Jews support joint efforts between Israel and world Jewry to help Israel advocate for freedom of marriage.

  • 80% of secular Israeli Jews prefer not to get married via Orthodox Rabbinate
    Written by Uri Regev on 08/05/2015
    The consistent rise in the number of Israeli Jews who would have preferred to marry outside the Orthodox Rabbinate has been monitored in Hiddush’s multi-year polling on freedom of marriage.

  • 80% of secular Israeli Jews prefer not to get married via Orthodox Rabbinate
    Written by on 08/05/2015
    The consistent rise in the number of Israeli Jews who would have preferred to marry outside the Orthodox Rabbinate has been monitored in Hiddush’s multi-year polling on freedom of marriage.

  • Overwhelming majority of voters STILL want Ultra-Orthodox Parties out of coalition
    Written by Uri Regev on 26/03/2015
    According to a March 24 poll conducted by Rafi Smith Polling Institute for Hiddush – Freedom of Religion in Israel, 62% of Israelis support a government without the ultra-Orthodox parties; 87% prefer that control of the Knesset Finance Committee be given to Kulanu, rather than United Torah Judaism (UTJ).

  • Overwhelming majority of voters STILL want Ultra-Orthodox Parties out of coalition
    Written by on 26/03/2015
    According to a March 24 poll conducted by Rafi Smith Polling Institute for Hiddush – Freedom of Religion in Israel, 62% of Israelis support a government without the ultra-Orthodox parties; 87% prefer that control of the Knesset Finance Committee be given to Kulanu, rather than United Torah Judaism (UTJ).

  • Ultra-Orthodox parties' history of voters' faith manipulation
    Written by on 22/12/2014
    Since 1988, the ultra-Orthodox parties have been promising rabbinic blessings, making threats and gifting "mystical" amulets to voters who commit to support them in the elections. The Knesset and the Supreme Court have set legal prohibitions against this, but the bribery and manipulation has continued.

  • Voters Respond: Ultra-Orthodox Parties - in or out?
    Written by on 09/12/2014
    Rabbi Uri Regev discusses the results of the latest Rafi Smith Institute Poll, and the role of the undecided voters in the upcoming March 17 elections.

  • Overwhelming majority of voters want Ultra-Orthodox Parties out of coalition
    Written by Uri Regev on 09/12/2014
    According to a December 3 poll, 62% of Israeli voters do not want the ultra-Orthodox parties in the next government, and 74% do not want to increase public funding for yeshivas. But most importantly: how will the undecided voters sway the upcoming March 17 elections?

  • Majority of public opposed to including haredi parties in new government
    Written by on 08/12/2014
    The poll was conducted last week on a sample of 500 respondents representing a statistical sample of the adult population and published over the weekend.

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