Search results for tag " Supreme Court"

  • The “Who is a Jew” War is Back!
    Written by on 18/06/2020
    Join us for two upcoming webinars on the “Who is a Jew” saga, which is returning to center political and legal stage.

  • Rabbi Meir Mazuz: Supreme Court Justices are beasts and mosquitoes
    Written by on 18/02/2020
    February 17, 2020: Channel 12 exposes the greatly esteemed Rabbi Meir Mazuz attacking the Israeli Supreme Court. This is the very same rabbi that PM Netanyahu courted for support before the Likud primaries!

  • A fight for the soul and future of Israel like no other since 1948
    Written by on 24/10/2019
    The passing of Israel’s cherished former Supreme Court Chief Justice Shamgar (laid to rest this week) reminds us of the lingering threat to Israel’s Supreme Court and to its rule of law.

  • The Supreme Court ruling on pluralistic IDF burial
    Written by on 13/08/2019
    The following is an extract from the Supreme Court ruling on Hiddush’s petition on pluralistic military burials in Israel, handed down on August 8, 2019. The Court’s opinion was written by Justice Anat Baron with the consent of Justices Elron and Grosskopf.

  • Renewed Haredi assault on the Supreme Court
    Written by Uri Regev on 01/08/2019
    This week temporarily halted the removal-from-office procedure, which Interior Minister Deri (Leader of Shas) initiated against Mayor of Tiberias Ron Kobi. Kobi has become a symbol and lightning rod, as a crusader against religious coercion.

  • Shaked won: The 'Jewish' has beaten the 'democratic'
    Written by Sagi Agmon on 22/11/2018
    It happened just this week. With little ado, the Supreme Court overturned a 25-year ruling and told the Rabbinical Courts that they could do whatever they please because the laws of the state no longer really apply to them.

  • Chabad's illegal outreach at Ben Gurion Airport
    Written by on 19/06/2018
    Chabad Lubavitch is a unique phenomenon in Jewish history and the Jewish community. Much can and should be said in their praise, but at the same time, it should be recognized that both theologically and operationally they are highly controversial.

  • IDF Draft controversy renews pressure to muzzle the Supreme Court
    Written by on 19/06/2018
    As many who follow Israel's political life know, cries of "wolf, wolf!" foretelling of the government’s imminent collapse are common. Two such crises are on the horizon now.

  • Politicians attempt to castrate the Supreme Court
    Written by on 06/05/2018
    The Israeli public trusts the Supreme Court, not Israel's politicians, according to a survey recently commissioned by Hiddush, in light of politicians' recent attempt to castrate the High Court of Justice, in order to prevent the Court from mandating that the State of Israel enlist yeshiva students and to allow the Government Coalition to enact additional discriminatory laws according to the ultra-Orthodox parties' demands without fear of these being ruled illegal by the High Court of Justice.

  • Politicians attempt to castrate the Supreme Court
    Written by on 06/05/2018
    The Israeli public trusts the Supreme Court, not Israel's politicians, according to a survey recently commissioned by Hiddush, in light of politicians' recent attempt to castrate the High Court of Justice, in order to prevent the Court from mandating that the State of Israel enlist yeshiva students and to allow the Government Coalition to enact additional discriminatory laws according to the ultra-Orthodox parties' demands without fear of these being ruled illegal by the High Court of Justice.

  • Justice Silberman Abella speaks out against delegitimizing Israel's Court
    Written by Uri Regev on 28/04/2018
    Justice Rosalie Silberman Abella, the senior judge on the Supreme Court of Canada, delivered a lecture at a symposium with Justice Aharon Barak (former president of the Supreme Court of Israel) regarding the ongoing attempt among members of Israel's Coalition Government to delegitimize the reputation of the judiciary.

  • Conversion compromise postponed - again.
    Written by Uri Regev on 19/12/2017
    Efforts to draft a compromise agreement between the Haredi political parties and the Reform and Conservative movements in Israel over the issue of Jewish conversion will not be finished before a six-month deadline arrives at the end of this month.

  • The Bitter Taste of Victory - by Rabbi Pamela Frydman
    Written by on 07/09/2017
    On August 31st, the Israeli Supreme Court took up a matter brought by Hiddush, Women of the Wall and the Reform and Conservative Movements. The issue at hand is whether to require the government to adhere to, and implement, the Kotel agreement.

  • ‘Game Of Chicken’ On Kotel Deal
    Written by on 07/09/2017
    Despite high court’s deadline, few expect egalitarian prayer pact to be implemented anytime soon.

  • Justice Baron: Discriminatory laws should not be preserved indefinitely
    Written by on 01/09/2017
    The High Court of Justice announced its ruling rejecting a petition submitted by same-sex couples to order the state to allow them and couples like them to marry in Israel. This came is no great surprise.

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