Search results for tag " US"

  • Politicians heap insults upon non-Orthodox Jewry
    Written by on 08/02/2016
    Will Netanyahu seriously take a stand, confront these bigoted leaders and do something of substance against their venomous insults? Moreover, will Netanyahu do what it takes to truly ensure that all Jews feel at home in Israel, and that equality and pluralism extend beyond the southern Kotel plaza?

  • Hiddush demands appointment of women to religious councils
    Written by on 08/01/2016
    The ultra-Orthodox Shas party's Minister of Religious Services David Azoulay has appointed six “appointees” for four religious councils since assuming office after the May 2015 Knesset elections. Minister Azoulay, like his predecessors, has not appointed a single woman, despite Israeli law and the commitment the Ministry made to the AG office in the past to exercise affirmative action in this arena.

  • Ministry of Religious Services budget increased by more than 100%
    Written by Shahar Ilan on 24/12/2015
    The budget for the construction and renovation of buildings for religious services will be increased by 50 million NIS (123%), the budget for the Ministry of Religious Services will be increased to nearly 150%, and the budget for cemeteries will be increase by 500%. The millions budgeted for the ultra-Orthodox parties by the Likud in exchange for their political support were merely a down payment - a base level for further increases.

  • Katniss Everdeen's image censored in Jerusalem
    Written by on 25/11/2015
    Katniss Everdeen was censored out of Jerusalem and B’nei Brak 'Hunger Games' posters; only the fiery bird image was included. Hiddush immediately alerted the media of this censorship, prompting an investigation of the matter.

  • Chief Rabbinate perverting Sukkot with religious bigotry
    Written by Uri Regev on 06/10/2015
    Only one year ago, Chief Rabbi Lau self-righteously preached to the Pope, proclaiming Israel's greatness in protection of religious freedom, and now he himself aimed to curtail Christian prayer services in Jerusalem.

  • Hiddush analysis of Israel’s state budget
    Written by Shahar Ilan on 09/09/2015
    The state budget for yeshivas is expected to grow by 419 million shekels, an increase of three-quarters. This is blow to the heart of Israel’s future, and a slap in the voters' faces.

  • 2014 Religion and State Index first edition
    Written by on 01/09/2015
    This year's Index bears a clear and crucial message for world Jewry: More than two-thirds (67%) of Israeli Jews support joint efforts between Israel and world Jewry to help Israel advocate for freedom of marriage.

  • Supreme Court hears Hiddush petition against coercive rabbinical court
    Written by on 26/07/2015
    Justice Mazuz: “The ‘Writs of Refusal’ are intended to deny a person his rights as a man and a citizen by blocking his/her way to State institutions (i.e. - the courts) that can render him remedy in realizing his rights.”

  • The phenomenon of sex segregated bus lines is growing!
    Written by on 16/07/2015
    An ultra-Orthodox myth is that ultra-Orthodox women really want to sit in the back of the bus, so we shouldn’t interfere with the growing phenomenon of gender-segregated bus lines. However, ultra-Orthodox blogger Chani Weiser of B’nai Brak has recently come out publicly, challenging her community’s self-righteous claims. She does not want to sit at the back of the bus!

  • 80% of secular Israeli Jews prefer not to get married via Orthodox Rabbinate
    Written by Uri Regev on 08/05/2015
    The consistent rise in the number of Israeli Jews who would have preferred to marry outside the Orthodox Rabbinate has been monitored in Hiddush’s multi-year polling on freedom of marriage.

  • 80% of secular Israeli Jews prefer not to get married via Orthodox Rabbinate
    Written by on 08/05/2015
    The consistent rise in the number of Israeli Jews who would have preferred to marry outside the Orthodox Rabbinate has been monitored in Hiddush’s multi-year polling on freedom of marriage.

  • Overwhelming majority of voters STILL want Ultra-Orthodox Parties out of coalition
    Written by Uri Regev on 26/03/2015
    According to a March 24 poll conducted by Rafi Smith Polling Institute for Hiddush – Freedom of Religion in Israel, 62% of Israelis support a government without the ultra-Orthodox parties; 87% prefer that control of the Knesset Finance Committee be given to Kulanu, rather than United Torah Judaism (UTJ).

  • Overwhelming majority of voters STILL want Ultra-Orthodox Parties out of coalition
    Written by on 26/03/2015
    According to a March 24 poll conducted by Rafi Smith Polling Institute for Hiddush – Freedom of Religion in Israel, 62% of Israelis support a government without the ultra-Orthodox parties; 87% prefer that control of the Knesset Finance Committee be given to Kulanu, rather than United Torah Judaism (UTJ).

  • Uri Regev, Religious Pluralism in Israel on L'Chayim
    Written by on 13/02/2015
    Rabbi Uri Regev, President and CEO of Hiddush which promotes freedom of observance and equality in Israel, discusses the problems of marital laws in the State of Israel due to the control of the Orthodox establishment. L'Chayim with Mark S. Golub.

  • Ultra-Orthodox parties' history of voters' faith manipulation
    Written by on 22/12/2014
    Since 1988, the ultra-Orthodox parties have been promising rabbinic blessings, making threats and gifting "mystical" amulets to voters who commit to support them in the elections. The Knesset and the Supreme Court have set legal prohibitions against this, but the bribery and manipulation has continued.

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