Search results for tag " civil marriage"

  • Hiddush Video Blog: The Electoral Power of Religion and State
    Written by on 06/03/2013
    Rabbi Uri Regev, President of Hiddush- Freedom of Religion for Israel analyses the 2013 Israeli Knesset election based on the influence that issues of religion and state played in the Israeli public's voting behavior.

  • Where does Yesh Atid stand on freedom of marriage?
    Written by Uri Regev on 06/03/2013
    Yair Lapid and his party, Yesh Atid, have expressed support for Jewish pluralism in Israel in an unprecedented manner. However, they also endorsed Rabbi David Stav, a Religious-Zionist Rabbi from the Tzohar Rabbinic Organization, as the candidate for Chief Ashkenazi Rabbi. Yesh Atid and Rabbi Stav hold seemingly divergent views on pluralism and freedom of marriage in Israel. So how does this all add up?

  • Hiddush Polling: Majority of Secular Israelis unopposed to freedom of marriage
    Written by on 04/03/2013
    Hiddush releases public opinion statistics on freedom of marriage on the eve of Knesset lobby for Civil Equality and Pluralism. Rabbi Regev, Hiddush CEO: "We should not miss this historic opportunity created the recent elections to establish civil marriage in Israel."

  • Making Sense of the Elections
    Written by on 21/02/2013
    Issues of religion and state played a crucial role in the 2013 elections.

  • I'm not Jewish?
    Written by on 14/11/2012
    In our October newsletter, we release the findings of the 2012 Religion and State Index, discuss the plight of a young woman who just wasn't "Jewish enough" to get married in Israel, and discuss what you can do to make a difference.

  • Hiddush's Annual Israel Religion and State Index: 2012
    Written by on 31/10/2012
    Support for religious freedom rises to 85%, 67% say Haredi MKs distance public from Judaism, 76% dissatisfied with government policies on religion

  • Israel Religion and State Index 2012
    Written by on 25/09/2012
    Support for religious freedom rises to 85%, 67% say Haredi MKs distance public from Judaism, 76% dissatisfied with government policies on religion

  • The Joke of Israel’s Civil Partnership Law
    Written by on 16/07/2012
    Fewer than 1.5 couples register with the Civil Partnership registrar each month according to statistics the Ministry of Justice released to Hiddush. Hiddush President Rabbi Uri Regev: “The time has come for Yisrael Beiteinu to realize its mistake and demand the passage of a real Civil Marriage law.”

  • Human Rights Day in Israel
    Written by Uri Regev on 09/12/2011
    As we reflect on Human Rights Day, we are reminded of the dire need of Israel to acknowledge its failure in ensuring those promised in both the International Declaration of Human Rights and the Declaration of Independence of Israel itself.

  • Court defers to Knesset
    Written by on 06/12/2011
    Hiddush’s joint petition for civil marriage rejected, “time after time the political system gives in to pressure from ultra-Orthodox parties.”

  • Tzohar Rabbis Disingenuous In Their Campaign
    Written by Uri Regev on 15/11/2011
    Tzohar’s “victory for the Jewish People” is not in keeping with the pluralistic reality of the Jewish community in the United States from whom they have requested support.

  • The Tzohar Debate
    Written by on 10/11/2011
    "Shas and the Religious Services Ministry are not missing any opportunity to make the public hate Judaism and drift away from it.”

  • Israelis Dissatisfied
    Written by on 04/10/2011
    Eurasia Review covers Hiddush’s annual Religion and State Index

  • JTA covers Index
    Written by on 04/10/2011
    JTA, October 4, 2011: JTA covers Hiddush's annual Israel Religion and State Index. See The Forward's Coverage here.

  • Supreme Court Petition to Allow Civil Marriage
    Written by on 04/10/2011
    Hiddush CEO Rabbi Uri Regev remarks “The reality which denies the basic human right of marriage to hundreds of thousands of Israeli citizens is intolerable.”

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