Search results for tag " Draft"

  • The issue that may lead to the early dissolution of the Iaraeli government
    Written by on 08/08/2024
    Drafting the Ultra-Orthodox or Severing Them from State Coffers

  • Drafting the Ultra-Orthodox or Severing Them from State Coffers
    Written by on 25/07/2024
    Anyone who thinks that ultra-Orthodox enlistment can be enforced through criminal sanctions and imprisonment is deluding themselves

  • The New "Draft" Bill, A bluff at the time, and totally irrelevant after October 7th
    Written by on 20/05/2024
    Rabbi Uri Regev, CEO of Hiddush, explains that the current “Draft Bill” does not have the intention of enlisting yeshiva students

  • On the Legal Front
    Written by on 12/05/2022
    Recently we received a reminder of how important it is to not merely be able to petition the court in order to correct wrongs, but also to monitor implementation of court rulings and of the actual change in policy. That takes time, perseverance, and patience - a requisite for legal advocacy which by its nature is ongoing and can stretch out over a long period of time.

  • The Imminent Political/Legal Explosion
    Written by on 05/06/2020
    The ultra-Orthodox parties have pushed hard on the Prime Minister in their coalition negotiations. The amendment to the Draft Law is the only issue of religion and state relations that is spelled out in detail, not only in the agreements of the ultra-Orthodox parties with the Likud, but also in the Likud's agreement with Blue & White.

  • On the legal front
    Written by Uri Regev on 04/06/2020
    Hiddush's activism in the legal arena has continued in the face of the Covid-19 crisis, as Israel's new government has been settling in. There will be much to do in the face of the ultra-Orthodox party's stranglehold over Israel's religion-and-state arena!

  • Hiddush in the legal trenches
    Written by on 01/08/2019
    Hiddush legal advocacy ranges from cases dealing with the abuse of religious IDF draft exemptions for young women to elderly hot dog vendors who legally operate their carts in Jerusalem on Friday night.

  • Four questions and answers about the draft law
    Written by Uri Regev on 03/07/2018
    An analysis of the much-debated haredi draft law.

  • IDF Draft controversy renews pressure to muzzle the Supreme Court
    Written by on 19/06/2018
    As many who follow Israel's political life know, cries of "wolf, wolf!" foretelling of the government’s imminent collapse are common. Two such crises are on the horizon now.

  • Hiddush criticizes the Defense Ministry's recommendations
    Written by on 12/06/2018
    These recommendations push off the recruitment of yeshiva students until the next government and turn responsibility over to the High Court of Justice. The irony is that even this will be rejected by the ultra-Orthodox parties.

  • Likud Minister fed up with Haredi ultimatums
    Written by on 23/05/2018
    Our readers have come to expect Hiddush underscoring the unacceptability of ultra-Orthodox political shenanigans, extortion and coercion. However, this week, we heard comparable sentiments expressed by a leading Government Coalition member - Likud Minister Akunis.

  • How is this Passover different?
    Written by on 29/03/2018
    The enslavement of the Israelites in Egypt is an important memory, but, on THIS holiday of freedom, no less important is our awareness of the ongoing battle for freedom of religion and conscience TODAY. Ironically, these are denied to people in Israel, especially to Jews!

  • What do draft-dodging and the national budget have in common?
    Written by Uri Regev on 18/03/2018
    The "draft-dodging" bill is being demanded by the ultra-Orthodox political parties, lest they topple the government and force new elections.

  • Masquerade Ball: Don't comply with the Haredi parties' demands
    Written by on 13/03/2018
    The bill presented to the Ministerial Committee on Legislation is complex and full of words, but it can be boiled down to this: any yeshiva student who does not want to enlist will not be drafted into the IDF

  • 79% Israelis oppose laws to legalize draft dodging by yeshiva students
    Written by on 05/03/2018
    A new survey reveals how strongly the Israeli public is opposed to the demand of the ultra-Orthodox parties to pass a new 'Basic Law: Torah study', as well as an amendment to the Defense Service Law to legalize the continued draft dodging of most yeshiva students.


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