Search results for tag "IDF"

  • The State Comptroller's 2017 report: a searing indictment
    Written by on 17/05/2017
    Israel’s 39-chapter annual state Comptroller report, published on Tuesday, May 16, was nothing less than a blistering indictment of the unholy alliance of religion & state in Israel, providing multiple examples of criminality, corruption, and discrimination conducted by government officials in the arena of religion & state.

  • Anti-democratic rabbinic appointments in the Jewish State
    Written by on 18/07/2016
    Last week we were sensitized once again to the pitfalls of State empowered and appointed rabbinic authorities, with the appointments of a new Military Chief Rabbi and rabbinic judges to Israel's Rabbinic Court of Appeal.

  • Hiddush makes progress on military burial rights for IDF soldiers
    Written by on 29/12/2015
    Once again, Hiddush is impacting on Israeli governmental policies, advancing religious freedom and equality. This time – it’s about a very painful and sensitive issue: burial of fallen soldiers. Last week we were informed of the acceptance of our demands (although we will have to follow the implementation, as we know from past experience…).

  • 76% of Israeli Jews oppose new conscription law
    Written by on 26/11/2015
    Israel’s politicians have deliberately chosen to pursue legislation which is not only immoral but also unconstitutional, having been struck out twice already by the Supreme Court. The question, though, is how long it will take the Supreme Court to rule that this most recent amendment is illegal as well. Our politicians may be counting on this very fact: the wheels of justice grind slowly…

  • 76% of Israeli Jews oppose new conscription law
    Written by Uri Regev on 26/11/2015
    Israel’s politicians have deliberately chosen to pursue legislation which is not only immoral but also unconstitutional, having been struck out twice already by the Supreme Court. The question, though, is how long it will take the Supreme Court to rule that this most recent amendment is illegal as well. Our politicians may be counting on this very fact: the wheels of justice grind slowly…

  • Should religious freedom stop at the gates of military cemeteries?
    Written by on 30/08/2015
    Turning to the Minister of Defense, Chief of Staff, Head of IDF Personnel, Judge Advocate, and Minister of Religious Services, Hiddush suggested that civil burial plots be designated within military cemeteries, in which full military funerals can be conducted, ungoverned by the Orthodox Rabbinate.

  • Ultra-Orthodox Extremists Assaulting IDF Soldiers
    Written by on 08/10/2014
    In ultra-Orthodox cities and neighborhoods, IDF soldiers get assaulted with jeers and thrown objects by an extremist ultra-Orthodox minority. They are often made unwelcome in synagogues when they come to pray and when they visit to soak in the atmosphere of the High Holy Days.

  • Report Challenges the Numbers that Show Increased Chareidi Enlistment in the IDF
    Written by on 10/09/2014
    Yeshiva World News covers Hiddush's report on plummeting haredi enlistment rates

  • Haredi MK Yaakov Litzman bails draft evading yeshiva student out of jail
    Written by on 17/08/2014
    "Get out of jail free" is no longer a tactic limited to the Monopoly board, but now a method employed ultra-Orthodox rabbis and politicians to release yeshiva students arrested for draft evasion.

  • Religion's pervasive role in Operation Protective Edge
    Written by on 11/08/2014
    Operation Protective Edge was accompanied by several occurences that signify opportunities for progress as well as serious challenges that must be addressed.

  • The Haredi Draft Law: Problems and concerns
    Written by Uri Regev on 20/03/2014
    Now that the Haredi draft law has been passed and implemented, the Israeli public will slowly realize that there is no equality in this law, only disappointment.

  • Hiddush releases guide to the Equality in Sharing the Burden Law: Nothing but defects and exemptions
    Written by on 12/03/2014
    On the eve of the Knesset vote on the ultra-Orthodox draft law, Hiddush presents a guide to the law's defects and call's on the government coalition to send the bill back to the drawing board.

  • What a missed opportunity!
    Written by on 26/02/2014
    The Equality in Sharing the Burden Law turned out to be a big sham, and here's why!

  • The biggest bluff: The Equality in Sharing the Burden Law
    Written by on 24/02/2014
    Rabbi Uri Regev describes the latest developments in the legislative struggle to achieve equality in sharing the burden. Unfortunately, the Knesset is a producing a law that will do the exact opposite.

  • Shahar Ilan's op-ed on the ultra-Orthodox draft: A choice between equality and justice
    Written by on 18/02/2014
    Will the Equality in Sharing the Burden Law achieve the goal stated by its very name? Hiddush VP Shahar Ilan discusses the development of one Israel's hottest political issues and the need for smart solutions in enforcing the law.

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