Search results for tag "Kashrut"

  • Lawfare Project vs. Hiddush – They Got it All Wrong
    Written by Uri Regev on 02/06/2022
    We were astonished to read the blatant and baseless attack against Hiddush, which fights for freedom of religion and equality, and against our partners in the petition we filed with Israel’s Supreme Court: The Secular Forum and fourteen parents of Israeli soldiers.

  • Is American Orthodoxy not Orthodox?
    Written by Uri Regev on 03/04/2022
    We hold that both non-Jewish and non-observant Jewish soldiers have rights that must be respected and that this does not detract from the kashrut status of food provided by the IDF to all soldiers.

  • 54% Israelis: IDF soldiers have right to eat chametz
    Written by on 17/03/2022
    In light of the public and political battle that accompanies the petition Hiddush submitted (on behalf of itself, the Secular Forum, and a group of parents of IDF soldiers) to reduce the sweeping ban against leavened foods during Passover on IDF bases, Hiddush decided to survey the positions of Israel’s adult Jewish public on this matter.

  • Why do they do it? Because they can!
    Written by on 03/03/2022
    This week, the Supreme Court issued a ‘show cause’ order against the IDF in a petition Hiddush submitted regarding non-observant and non-Jewish soldiers being allowed to possess chametz in their own private domain (or in pre-designated spaces) and consume it during Passover.

  • Haredi leaders employing extortion by threats
    Written by on 05/01/2022
    On Tuesday, Hiddush filed a complaint against senior rabbis in ultra-Orthodox Judaism following their declaration that city rabbis who dare to act in accordance with the law after the adoption of a kashrut reform in the Knesset and certify food as kosher outside their city limits will have their kashrut certification banned everywhere, including in their own cities, and they will be considered as " having departed from the congregation of God and transgressing against the will of God." The declaration is signed by Rabbi Shalom Cohen, the spiritual leader of the Shas movement and Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky and Rabbi Gershon Edelstein, the leaders of the ultra-Orthodox-Lithuanian community.

  • Court rules against rabbinical court judge for "Writ of Refusal"
    Written by on 09/12/2021
    Hiddush's legal advocacy continues, with its submission of a petition to the Supreme Court against the IDF for religiously coercing soldiers to keep kosher on Passover, as well as yet another petition on behalf of an Israeli couple married legally via videoconference in Utah County, Utah.

  • IDF forcing soldiers to keep kosher for Passover
    Written by on 25/11/2021
    Next week, Hiddush will submit a petition to the Supreme Court against the IDF, demanding that it change its regulations regarding its policy on chametz on Passover in army bases.

  • Hiddush blocks Chief Rabbi's conflict of interest
    Written by on 02/08/2018
    This week, Hiddush received a statement from the Office of the Attorney General, confirming that our request had been received and that detailed instructions had been given to the Chief Rabbi of Israel, Rabbi Yitzchak Yosef, regarding the official restrictions imposed upon him in his handling of kashrut issues due to a conflict of interest.

  • Tzohar enters the kashrut certification market
    Written by Uri Regev on 01/03/2018
    An important chapter in the ongoing saga of religion and state has been written in Israel this week. In a widely covered press conference, the Zionist Orthodox Tzohar rabbinic organization announced that it is launching a kosher supervising entity that will compete with the Chief Rabbinate and offer the Israeli food industry an alternative supervision more convenient than that of the state.

  • Another nail in the Chief Rabbinate's coffin
    Written by Uri Regev on 26/02/2018
    Hiddush welcomes the announcement that Tzohar rabbis will be entering the kashrut certification market with its own private certification in direct competition with the Chief Rabbinate's state empowered monopoly. This religiously coercive monopoly is unparalleled in the democratic world.

  • The State Comptroller's 2017 report: a searing indictment
    Written by on 17/05/2017
    Israel’s 39-chapter annual state Comptroller report, published on Tuesday, May 16, was nothing less than a blistering indictment of the unholy alliance of religion & state in Israel, providing multiple examples of criminality, corruption, and discrimination conducted by government officials in the arena of religion & state.

  • 81% support ending the Chief Rabbinate's kashrut monopoly
    Written by on 23/02/2017
    Most of the Jewish Israeli public supports granting kashrut certification to restaurants that operate on Saturdays (Shabbat). The High Court once again finds itself dealing with the rotten fruits of Israeli politics, who give in over and over again to the religious parties' dictates, against the wishes of the majority of the Israeli public.

  • 81% support ending the Chief Rabbinate's kashrut monopoly
    Written by on 23/02/2017
    Most of the Jewish Israeli public supports granting kashrut certification to restaurants that operate on Saturdays (Shabbat). The High Court once again finds itself dealing with the rotten fruits of Israeli politics, who give in over and over again to the religious parties' dictates, against the wishes of the majority of the Israeli public.

  • The Chief Rabbinate's anti-Christmas policy
    Written by Uri Regev on 29/12/2015
    The ban on placing Christmas trees in hotels is but one example of the many ways that the rabbinate disregards the law and extorts submission to its norms in breach of the law.

  • Israel's Rabbinate coerces and discriminates in hotels
    Written by on 21/12/2015
    Despite officially and publicly updating its kashrut regulations for hotels this year, in order to be in compliance with the law, Israel's Rabbinate continues to coerce hotels to enforce Shabbat restrictions and its illegal ban against all Christian holiday symbols.


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