Fire victim buried in non-Jewish plot

Tania Lansky, 23, from Ashkelon was laid to rest on Sunday at the city's military cemetery. Tania was on board the trapped bus that caught fire on Thursday while making its way to Damon Prison in order to help evacuate prisoners. She died along with 41 of her friends. However, even in her death Tania had to struggle – The rabbinate refused to bury her in the cemetery's main plot, because her mom is not Jewish. In response to the news, Hiddush president Rabbi Uri Regev commented, "Truly heartbreaking. One would have hoped that with Yitzhak Rabin's order, following the shameful burial of the soldier Lev Pesachov z"l, that all soldiers be buried in military cemeteries equally, regardless of whether it's the mother or the father who is Jewish, that we would not hear again of such outrageous conduct.",7340,L-3994736,00.html

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