Amsalem Reaches Out To Anglos
US–born Rabbi Dov Lipman to seek Knesset seat with ex-Shas maverick MK’s Am Shalem party.
22/05/2011 14:14
Tags: Shas · Amsalem · haredim

Rabbi Amsalem
Decrying the increasing polarization of Israeli society, Lipman, who heads “Anglos for Am Shalem” and whose placement on the party’s list is dependent on the number of members he can bring to the movement, said Israel “is decaying from the inside.”
The secular have become more secular
secular have become more secular with almost no Judaism and in some cases even little Zionism in their education.
The haredim have less and less secular education and are even more cut off from the rest of the country,” he said.
To read entire entire article go to JerusalemPost