Haredim want Jerusalem high-tech park for housing
Hiddush director Rabbi Uri Regev comments on United Torah Judaism Jerusalem city councilmen's idea to move high-tech park in Har Hotzvim for more Haredi housing
14/07/2011 12:32

Young scientists in the clean room of the Intel plant in Jerusalem Photo Flash 90
Hiddush for Religious Freedom and Equality director Rabbi Uri Regev said, "Every time that we think that haredi conduct cannot make greater hallucinatory and outrageous demands, they prove just how naïve and lacking in imagination we are. A party in the municipal government that is demanding the
Before haredi politicians destroy this place...they should get manna from heaven.
removal of two of the city's most important workplaces can only be considered as a Trojan Horse. Before haredi politicians destroy this place, which is one of the most important industrial zones for the haredi community as well, they should get manna from heaven."
To read entire article go to Globes English Edition