Act civilly
Mofaz and Netanyahu unity government must promote equality
Amid the shocking news of the Netanyahu and Mofaz unity government, it is critical "to take advantage of having a clear civil majority in the coalition to advance the recommendations of the Trajtenberg Committee", and promote true equality in Israel.
08/05/2012 13:00
Tags: Tal Law · Shaul Mofaz · Kadima · Government Coalition · Equal Sharing of Civic Burdens

The meeting of the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee about Tal Law. From the right: Knesset member Shaul Mofaz Head of the commitee, Knnesset memberYohanan Plesner head of the Tal law supervision team, Head of Army HR Major-General Orna Barbivai. 23.1.12. Photograph by: Kobi Gideon, Flash 90.
Last night, in a shocking and unexpected turn, Kadima opposition leader Shaul Mofaz struck a deal with current Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu to join his ruling coalition, thereby giving Prime Minister Netanyahu a unity government. This decision superseded the impending elections that were set to happen in early September.
President of Hiddush, Rabbi Uri Regev said: "This new government will be judged by its actions. If they pass a law that truly ensures equal sharing of civic burdens in order to save both the Israeli economy and social fabric, it would become one of the most important governments in Israeli history. If they only come up with yet another Tal Law, the public will never forgive them."
This new government will be judged by its actions. If they pass a law that truly ensures equal sharing of civic burdens in order to save both the Israeli economy and social fabric, it would become one of the most important governments in Israeli history.
Regev also called on Kadima "to take advantage of having a clear civil majority in the coalition to advance the recommendations of the Trajtenberg Committee, including the enforcement of basic curriculum in ultra-Orthodox schools and fair guidelines for subsidized housing that do not just favor the religious community."
According to Regev, "This is the only way to save the Israeli economy from impending collapse. Too many experts, military and economic, have alerted us to the alarming cost of ultra-Orthodox men refusing to join the workforce. This government must take steps to alleviate incentives not to work."
Mofaz and Netanyahu have named replacing the Tal Law as one of their top priorities before it expires in August.