Rockets and Resilience in Israel
As we were preparing this newsletter, missiles were leaving a trail of smoke and fire, the Iron Dome was in full action, mortar bombs, planes and drones were flying overhead. Over 1,200 missiles have been fired by the Islamic Jihad from Gaza towards the towns in the south and center of the country, and again Israel found itself in a cycle of war that returns annually again and again. Thankfully, a cease fire has been brokered with Egypt’s active engagement, but as of yet, no real solution seems to be in sight or is being seriously considered.
14/05/2023 15:10

Sirens during a wedding in Gush Etzion Photo: Courtesy of the family
Even those of us in Israel and abroad who are not in the range of the rocket assault feel the pain of the victims of the expanding terrorism, and of our brothers and sisters who live in the areas within range of Gaza and beyond, who have suffered in the current attack. We read with concern about the threat of attacks that are also being planned from the north and from Judea and Samaria. The heart also aches as not only leading terrorists who are in the category of “ticking bombs” are killed, but innocent Palestinians, women and children have also been harmed (despite the effort to limit the scope of the Israeli military action and its unintended casualties as much as possible). We have no solution to the conflict and no real knowledge as to how to resolve it and bring peace to the region, but it is clear to us as it was clear to the sages, that there is no alternative to peace.
"The Holy One, Blessed be He, found no vessel that could contain blessing for Israel save that of peace" [Mishna]
In order for the Jewish People to fulfill
"The Holy One, Blessed be He, found no vessel that could contain blessing for Israel save that of peace"
its mission and serve as a light unto the nations and as a model of an exemplary society, may we all work to advance peace for ourselves, for our neighbors, and for the entire world.
Meanwhile, the internal arena in which we are battling for the democratic and just character of the State of Israel is also heating up. In this newsletter you can read about the scandal of the “Coalition payoffs” [known in the US as "pork barrel politics", which aptly illustrates how tainted this practice is]. You can also read the words of Prof. Moti Segev, one of Israel’s most important scientists and a right-wing person in his political views, at one of the recent weekly protests. His words are important in that they also shed light on the serious wider scope of consequences that would result from the judicial upheaval push. Professor Segev’s words illustrate the fact that the widespread struggle that is taking place in Israel crosses political lines, and goes to the heart of Israel’s soul and character.
Hoping for peace, and quiet times for ourselves and for those around us,