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Equal in War as in Life
Old prejudices concern the capability of women to participate as equals in combat IDF units fade away in the current war
10/03/2024 14:28
Tags: IDF · women · ultra-Orthodox · Gaza

woman soldier edited out in ''Yated Ne'eman''.
Photo: Shay Yadel El Porat
On Friday (March 8th) the world marked "International Women's Day". These days in Israel we join many other organizations that advocate for gender equality, celebrate the achievements and bemoan the wide gaps that still plague us. One of the areas that has seen old prejudices fade away concerns the capability of women to participate as equals in combat IDF units.
And yet, this reality challenges the Haredi establishment and the Chief Rabbinate, that vehemently oppose any enlisting of women to the military, nor are willing to integrate women into their political ranks or even show a women's face in their media.
“Yated Ne’eman” newspaper edited out the woman IDF soldier who was leading a convoy of captive terrorists in Northern Gaza, before publishing this photo on their cover page
An example was provided last month and caused much public resentment: The ultra-Orthodox “Yated Ne’eman” newspaper carefully edited out the woman IDF soldier who was leading a convoy of captive terrorists in Northern Gaza, before publishing this photo on their cover page.
The ultra-Orthodox leaders tirelessly continue to twist perceptions even in times of war, so as not to upset the sensibilities of yeshiva leaders and confront them with the uncomfortable fact that while they are tucked away safely in the yeshivas ("killing themselves in the tent of Torah") soldiers are fighting on the front lines to defend Israel.