Women on Religious Councils
Only 22 of 450 religious council members are women
14/05/2011 12:32
Tags: religion · Judaism · Hiddush

Women protest
Only 22 women currently serve as members of local religious councils out of the approximately 450 people on 133 councils nationwide, a new report compiled ahead of International Women’s Day reveals.
The NGO Hiddush: For Religious Freedom and Equality will be presenting members of the government and the Knesset with the data
we do not get involved in any halachic issue
indicating that – despite a High Court of Justice ruling in the case of Leah Shakdiel from 23 years ago that women cannot be prevented from serving on religious councils – only one out of every twenty members is a woman. In addition, no council is headed by women.
For full results and article go to Jpost.com