"The State of Israel is not a halachic state but rather is a nation-state of all the Jewish people. Many Jews are becoming alienated because they feel that the State of Israel does not respect the way they practice Judaism.” Rabbi Nathaniel Helfgot All quotes »
"The State of Israel is not a halachic state but rather is a nation-state of all the Jewish people. Many Jews are becoming alienated because they feel that the State of Israel does not respect the way they practice Judaism.”
Rabbi Nathaniel Helfgot
All quotes »
Uri Regev 16/06/2022 21:36
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24/08/2011 17:55
Hiddush Vice-President, Shahar Ilan, warns the Trajtenberg Committee meeting that economic reform must take into account the lack of young ultra-Orthodox men to the work force.
01/03/2011 16:51
Manpower Israel’s managing director says she has 25,000 haredi job seekers, but employers do not want them. L-M Manpower’s CEO says he has 1,500 jobs for haredim, but no demand
01/03/2011 15:01
The Haredi press is a barrier to the integration of the ultra-Orthodox into the job market.
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