"The State of Israel is not a halachic state but rather is a nation-state of all the Jewish people. Many Jews are becoming alienated because they feel that the State of Israel does not respect the way they practice Judaism.” Rabbi Nathaniel Helfgot All quotes »
"The State of Israel is not a halachic state but rather is a nation-state of all the Jewish people. Many Jews are becoming alienated because they feel that the State of Israel does not respect the way they practice Judaism.”
Rabbi Nathaniel Helfgot
All quotes »
01/10/2021 00:45
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17/10/2013 18:12
Hiddush has filed complaints against several ultra-Orthodox parties and institutions for illegally using religious methods as a means to secure votes in the 2013 municipal elections.
11/04/2013 16:23
MK Moshe Gafni (UTJ) is right about one thing: Hiddush works tirelessly to provide up-to-date facts and figures to policymakers on religion/state issues to advance the freedoms that were promised to Israelis in the Declaration of Independence.
01/01/2013 13:08
Hiddush files a complaint to the Central Election Committee about Shas's smartphone app offering blessings from party’s spiritual leader. The use of blessings or curses in campaigning is strictly illegal.
30/08/2012 13:41
Hiddush exposes the hate speech that continues to inform policy, leading to continued discrimination of non-Orthodox Jews.
07/06/2012 12:53
In the excitement of Israel's first step toward recognition of non-Orthodox rabbis, these appointments were met with disturbing reactions by both ultra-Orthodox and National Religious political leaders.
26/01/2012 12:19
Hiddush Petition against suggested guidelines for affordable housing that blatantly favor ultra-Orthodox applicants
Uri Regev 23/01/2012 13:16
Eli Yishai's recent comparison of the Six Day War and the Second Lebanon War were not only offensive, they were just plain incorrect.
28/11/2011 12:19
Debates rage on as discrimination of women and erasing them from public spheres continues, with disagreement between head of the Ministerial Committee on the Status of Women and Shas minister Mashulam Nahari
22/05/2011 14:14
US–born Rabbi Dov Lipman to seek Knesset seat with ex-Shas maverick MK’s Am Shalem party.
19/01/2011 18:32
Regev,"under the guise of a social law, the haredi parties are trying to pass a law to give 'free mortgages to Yeshiva students.'"
25/01/2010 12:29
If Shas is not prepared to adopt democracy and equality, its participation in the Zionist Federation should be prevented. If its intentions are opposed to these values, the best thing is for Shas to declare this openly.
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