Search results for tag " state"

  • 2020 Israel Religion & State Index
    Written by on 22/09/2020
    We are proud to present you with Hiddush’s twelfth annual Israel Religion & State Index. This Index is published during a turbulent time in Israel’s history, in which the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic and its severe impact upon the economy and society are interlaced with the strife-laden and unstable political system.

  • 2020 Israel Religion & State Index
    Written by on 22/09/2020
    We are proud to present you with Hiddush’s twelfth annual Israel Religion & State Index. This Index is published during a turbulent time in Israel’s history, in which the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic and its severe impact upon the economy and society are interlaced with the strife-laden and unstable political system.

  • Religion and state under Netanyahu's new government
    Written by Uri Regev on 07/05/2020
    This week, the Supreme Court unanimously rejected all of the petitions against Benjamin Netanyahu's continued tenure as prime minister due to the pending criminal charges against him, as well as those against the coalition agreement between the Likud and Blue & White.

  • Emergency government and national unity?
    Written by on 24/04/2020
    On the eve of Holocaust Memorial Day, April 20, a coalition agreement “for the establishment of an emergency and national unity government” was signed between the Likud and Blue & White. We at Hiddush focus on matters of religion and state and the implications of the agreement on the challenges of freedom of religion and equality of civic burden.

  • Vision Statement: Israel as a Jewish democratic state
    Written by on 24/02/2020
    The following statement is issued by a diverse group of Jews in Israel and the Diaspora*, all of whom greatly admire and appreciate the tremendous achievements of the State of Israel. We, who are committed to Israel’s growing strength and vitality, as well as its bonds with world Jewry, hold that Israel's unfulfilled promise of complete freedom of religion and conscience can no longer be left to politics alone.

  • January 2020 Israeli Voice Index data analysis
    Written by on 07/02/2020
    Earlier this week, the Israel Democracy Institute’s important monthly survey was published: the Israeli Voice Index. Looking through the full data set and analyzing it provides additional insights, including in the field of religion and state, which support the findings of Hiddush’s regular public opinion surveys.

  • "The orthodox status quo in Israel cannot hold any longer"
    Written by on 23/10/2019
    We were gratified to read a recent op-ed in the popular conservative Canadian National Post written by Canada’s former Ambassador to Israeli Vivian Bercovici. She subsequently made Aliyah and now resides in Tel Aviv.

  • 2019 Israel Religion & State Index and post-election survey
    Written by on 26/09/2019
    84% Adult Israeli Jews support religious freedom and equality of civic burden; 74% oppose government’s activities in religion-state; 63% want a civil coalition, which does not depend on the ultra-Orthodox parties and advances religious freedom and equality; 64% support equal status for the non-Orthodox Jewish streams and Diaspora Jewish engagement in advancing religious freedom and equality in Israel; wide support (62%-84%) for the principles of the Vision Statement on Israel as Jewish and democratic state.

  • 2019 Israel Religion & State Index and post-election survey
    Written by on 26/09/2019
    84% Adult Israeli Jews support religious freedom and equality of civic burden; 74% oppose government’s activities in religion-state; 63% want a civil coalition, which does not depend on the ultra-Orthodox parties and advances religious freedom and equality; 64% support equal status for the non-Orthodox Jewish streams and Diaspora Jewish engagement in advancing religious freedom and equality in Israel; wide support (62%-84%) for the principles of the Vision Statement on Israel as Jewish and democratic state.

  • 2018 Israel Religion & State Index
    Written by on 05/09/2018
    As in previous years, as Rosh HaShanah approaches, Hiddush is proud to publish its annual Israel Religion & State Index, now in its tenth year.

  • 2018 Israel Religion & State Index
    Written by on 05/09/2018
    As in previous years, as Rosh HaShanah approaches, Hiddush is proud to publish its annual Israel Religion & State Index, now in its tenth year.

  • The Vile Bond of Religion & Politics
    Written by Uri Regev on 02/08/2018
    In a secret recording that was broadcast on Israeli television, MK Rabbi Moshe Gafni explains to the leadership of his party why they voted for the Nation-State Law and what his real opinion of the law is.

  • The Nation-state Law: The religion-state angle
    Written by on 19/07/2018
    The Nation-state Law has captured the headlines for quite some time now, culminating in its adoption by the Knesset yesterday. There are a number of facets to this bill, which should be highlighted as far as matters of religion-state and Israel-Diaspora relations are concerned.

  • What does it mean for Israel to be a Jewish state?
    Written by Uri Regev on 17/04/2018
    Israeli Independence Day celebrations are almost upon us, and the divisions over the identity of Israel as a Jewish and democratic state are greater than ever before.

  • Female soldiers excluded from Israel's honor guards
    Written by on 09/04/2018
    Hiddush appealed to Defense Minister Lieberman, Chief of Staff Eizenkot and Chair of the Ministerial Committee for Ceremonies and Symbols - Culture Minister Regev, demanding that female soldiers be fully included in official state ceremonies, including the ceremonies for Yom HaShoah (Holocaust Remembrance Day) and Yom HaZikaron (Israeli Memorial Day).

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