Search results for tag "Women"

  • 62% of Israelis support women's Torah reading at Western Wall
    Written by on 11/01/2017
    Following the Supreme Court’s issuance of a Show Cause Order to the Government regarding the prohibition against women’s Torah readings at the Western Wall: Among secular Israelis 86% expressed their support, as did 61% of the traditional Jewish community.

  • 69% of Jewish Israelis support women's candle lighting ceremonies at Kotel
    Written by on 27/12/2016
    69% of Jewish Israelis favor allowing women to light Chanukah candles at the Western Wall. This principled position also enjoys a high level of support among voters for the non-Haredi Coalition parties.

  • 69% of Jewish Israelis support women's candle lighting ceremonies at Kotel
    Written by on 27/12/2016
    69% of Jewish Israelis favor allowing women to light Chanukah candles at the Western Wall. This principled position also enjoys a high level of support among voters for the non-Haredi Coalition parties.

  • Jerusalem Chief Rabbi: Women of the Wall is 'satan incarnate'
    Written by on 21/04/2016
    Having already described Israel's laws and civil courts as manifestations of Satan, Jerusalem Chief Rabbi Amar has now publicly described Women of the Wall as "Satan incarnate," claiming they should be hospitalized.

  • After Kotel compromise, dramatic changes still needed
    Written by Uri Regev on 03/02/2016
    The progress made over the Kotel should convince communal leaders that we need to further engage in the religion-state clash, and that Israelis need support in advancing the Jewish state’s own core founding principles of religious freedom and equality for all.

  • Is the Kotel Deal Merely a Fig Leaf For Rabbinic Tyranny?
    Written by Uri Regev on 02/02/2016
    The historic Kotel Agreement represents laudable progress in Israel’s stormy sea of religion, state and politics, but it is important to remember that the issue of prayer at the Kotel is only one of many in the arena of ​​religious freedom. We do not have the luxury of sitting back and relishing this.

  • Katniss Everdeen's image censored in Jerusalem
    Written by on 25/11/2015
    Katniss Everdeen was censored out of Jerusalem and B’nei Brak 'Hunger Games' posters; only the fiery bird image was included. Hiddush immediately alerted the media of this censorship, prompting an investigation of the matter.

  • Israeli democracy under fire
    Written by on 04/11/2015
    Hiddush unearths ultra-Orthodox bill to increase stipends for non-working yeshiva students. The sad thing is - neither MKs from the coalition nor MKs from the opposition spoke out against this publicly. That role fell upon Hiddush once again.

  • A threatening hint: deleting women from the public sphere
    Written by on 14/06/2015
    We are once again reminded of the deleterious impact of religious fundamentalism on gender equality. We come back to this phenomenon because its seriousness is compounded by the fact that these aberrations often represent major segments of Israel’s body politic, which have now returned to the front of the political stage.

  • 'Modesty Signs': Women complain of violence in ultra-Orthodox areas
    Written by on 01/03/2015
    'Modesty Signs': Women complain of violence in ultra-Orthodox areas

  • Rabbi Blau, Stop threatening haredi women!
    Written by on 11/12/2014
    Rabbi Mordechai blau publicly threatened ultra-Orthodox women with terrible consequences against their families and livelihoods, should they choose to run for office. Hiddush respond swiftly by urging the Attorney General to investigage Rabbi Blau for extortion!

  • Committee on the Status of Women and Gender Equality discusses ultra-Orthodox women's health
    Written by on 20/11/2014
    According to MK Aliza Lavie's words, health conditions among ultra-Orthodox women are the lowest in Israel society, and there are barriers denying them access to treatment and reducing their awareness of health issues.

  • 5 Years of Hiddush Activism
    Written by on 02/10/2014
    Hiddush has become the premier Israeli NGO on matters of Religion and State in Israel

  • Hiddush celebrates Israeli independence and great strides for gender equality
    Written by on 04/05/2014
    Israel's Day of Indepedence in 2014 marks the 66th anniversary of the date when Israel's founding promise of "freedom of religion and conscience" was declared in the Israeli Declaration of Independence. Hiddush is still work tirelessly to help Israel in fully realizing that promise.

  • Hiddush celebrates Israeli independence and great strides for gender equality
    Written by on 04/05/2014
    Over Israel's 66th year, there were many successes and challenges in the field of religion and state, especially in the area of gender equality.

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