Search results for tag " Hiddush"

  • Means tested housing
    Written by on 04/04/2012
    Hiddush poll finds 83% of Jewish Israelis want government subsidized housing to be based on fulfilling one's potential to work

  • Israelis back repeal
    Written by on 09/03/2012
    Hiddush's public opinion poll on the Tal Law, its impacts, and future legislation shows overwhelming support for ultra-Orthodox enlistment by Jewish Israelis.

  • Everyone wants elistment
    Written by on 05/03/2012
    A new Hiddush poll finds that 68% of Israeli Jews support denying yeshiva subsidies to those who don’t serve in the IDF

  • Say no to unfair housing subsidies!
    Written by on 26/01/2012
    Hiddush Petition against suggested guidelines for affordable housing that blatantly favor ultra-Orthodox applicants

  • National Security
    Written by on 23/01/2012
    Hiddush and Rabbi Uri Regev weight in on intersection between Religious Freedom, Women’s Rights and Israeli National Security

  • Enter Lapid
    Written by on 17/01/2012
    Rabbi Uri Regev gives Hiddush’s perspective on the potential that lies within Yair Lapid’s entry to politics, as well as Hiddush’s polling

  • Shahar Program must stay
    Written by on 04/01/2012
    Hiddush polling shows effectively of the ultra-Orthodox joining the army

  • Discriminatory zoning laws
    Written by on 16/10/2011
    Zoning laws that would close business early because of haredi pressures.

  • October 2011
    Written by on 04/10/2011
    Israeli Religion and State Index

  • Israelis Dissatisfied
    Written by on 04/10/2011
    Eurasia Review covers Hiddush’s annual Religion and State Index

  • JTA covers Index
    Written by on 04/10/2011
    JTA, October 4, 2011: JTA covers Hiddush's annual Israel Religion and State Index. See The Forward's Coverage here.

  • 2011 Religion and State Index
    Written by on 03/10/2011
    80% of the Jewish population is dissatisfied with how the government handles issues of religion and state.

  • 63% of Jews in favor of Shabbat buses
    Written by on 28/09/2011
    Ynet, September 28, 2011: YNet reports on Hiddush's annual Israel Religion and State Index, revealing that 62% of public support civil marriage, 52% back same-sex marriage, 87% want everyone to serve in IDF, 79% call for yeshiva budget cuts.

  • Economic Change Will Need Ultra-Orthodox Men
    Written by on 24/08/2011
    Hiddush Vice-President, Shahar Ilan, warns the Trajtenberg Committee meeting that economic reform must take into account the lack of young ultra-Orthodox men to the work force.

  • Hiddush Shows two-thirds of Israelis Support Civil Marriage
    Written by on 26/07/2011
    Researchers Drs. Guy Ben-Porat and Yariv Feniger posit that because there is a gap between support for civil marriage and personal interest in having a civil marriage, major political parties do not promote the issue. Hiddush CEO Rabbi Regev: “Leading up to elections, people need to demand that the political party leaders commit themselves to…carry out a civil revolution, including freedom of choice in marriage”

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