Search results for tag " Hiddush"

  • 2011 Religion and State Index
    Written by on 03/10/2011
    80% of the Jewish population is dissatisfied with how the government handles issues of religion and state.

  • 63% of Jews in favor of Shabbat buses
    Written by on 28/09/2011
    Ynet, September 28, 2011: YNet reports on Hiddush's annual Israel Religion and State Index, revealing that 62% of public support civil marriage, 52% back same-sex marriage, 87% want everyone to serve in IDF, 79% call for yeshiva budget cuts.

  • Economic Change Will Need Ultra-Orthodox Men
    Written by on 24/08/2011
    Hiddush Vice-President, Shahar Ilan, warns the Trajtenberg Committee meeting that economic reform must take into account the lack of young ultra-Orthodox men to the work force.

  • Hiddush Shows two-thirds of Israelis Support Civil Marriage
    Written by on 26/07/2011
    Researchers Drs. Guy Ben-Porat and Yariv Feniger posit that because there is a gap between support for civil marriage and personal interest in having a civil marriage, major political parties do not promote the issue. Hiddush CEO Rabbi Regev: “Leading up to elections, people need to demand that the political party leaders commit themselves to…carry out a civil revolution, including freedom of choice in marriage”

  • Mission Statement
    Written by on 06/07/2011
    Hiddush will work to implement the basic values guaranteed in Israel’s Declaration of Independence

  • After the buses: gender segregation reaches share taxis
    Written by on 03/07/2011
    The segregation between women and men does not end with the ‘Mehadrin Lines.’ Hiddush’s spokesman personally experienced segregation in share taxis: ‘I was removed from the vehicle after a single stop, because women would not let me sit next to them.’ Taxi drivers say segregation has them setting out with half-empty cabs

  • Reform rabbi criticizes IDF conversion
    Written by on 28/06/2011
    Rabbi Regev states that it's not possible to make converts observant

  • Israelis Can Marry By Proxy
    Written by on 25/06/2011
    High Court continues to pave way towards civil marriage in Israel

  • Ruth's Conversion
    Written by on 23/06/2011
    Shavuot newsletter on conversion

  • Torah As Profession
    Written by on 21/06/2011
    Visual Midrash newsletter

  • Hiddush to Labor Party candidates: Spell out your positions on issues
    Written by on 15/06/2011
    Hiddush sent the six candidates a questionnaire in which it asks them to specify their positions on a series of subjects: civil marriage, core curriculum studies, conversion, funding for yeshivas, and more. Hiddush: Labor’s positions on matters of religion and state will significantly affect its chances of recovery

  • Yeshiva Students Cheat Ministry
    Written by on 13/06/2011
    10,000 Yeshiva students have been playing hooky and bilking Israel’s Ministry of Education of NIS 4.5 million, according to a recent audit.

  • Who revoked Ruth's conversion?
    Written by on 07/06/2011
    On the eve of Shavuot, Hiddush launches campaign to bring attention to the issue of conversion in Israel

  • Municipal Rabbis Get 250% Raise
    Written by on 25/05/2011
    In a struggling economy, the ultra-Orthodox lock in a 250% raise for their own municipal rabbis

  • Following Hiddush report, Margi Undertakes to Appoint Women to Religious Councils
    Written by on 16/05/2011
    In a letter to Hiddush head Rabbi Uri Regev, the religious affairs minister writes that Shas leader Rabbi Ovadia Yosef also favors appointing women council members. Regev: ‘Breakthrough is welcome but Shas still views women as decoration and not a single woman is in charge of a council’

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