Search results for tag " IDF "

  • Drafting the Ultra-Orthodox or Severing Them from State Coffers
    Written by on 25/07/2024
    Anyone who thinks that ultra-Orthodox enlistment can be enforced through criminal sanctions and imprisonment is deluding themselves

  • Draft Them Now!
    Written by on 10/03/2024
    78% of the public supports canceling the existing exemption for the ultra-Orthodox

  • Equal in War as in Life
    Written by on 10/03/2024
    Old prejudices concern the capability of women to participate as equals in combat IDF units fade away in the current war

  • Israeli Heroines
    Written by on 17/12/2023
    The female contribution in combat following the murderous attack by Hamas has left an indelible imprint on the ethos of the IDF and the State of Israel

  • Hiddush Against Religious Indoctrination in the IDF
    Written by on 17/12/2023
    The IDF is not allowed to allow religious elements to preach their doctrine to the soldiers

  • Lawfare Project vs. Hiddush – They Got it All Wrong
    Written by Uri Regev on 02/06/2022
    We were astonished to read the blatant and baseless attack against Hiddush, which fights for freedom of religion and equality, and against our partners in the petition we filed with Israel’s Supreme Court: The Secular Forum and fourteen parents of Israeli soldiers.

  • On the Legal Front
    Written by on 12/05/2022
    Recently we received a reminder of how important it is to not merely be able to petition the court in order to correct wrongs, but also to monitor implementation of court rulings and of the actual change in policy. That takes time, perseverance, and patience - a requisite for legal advocacy which by its nature is ongoing and can stretch out over a long period of time.

  • Is American Orthodoxy not Orthodox?
    Written by Uri Regev on 03/04/2022
    We hold that both non-Jewish and non-observant Jewish soldiers have rights that must be respected and that this does not detract from the kashrut status of food provided by the IDF to all soldiers.

  • The conscription bluff
    Written by Uri Regev on 17/03/2022
    I did not come up with the title to this article. This was the title given by a well-known ultra-Orthodox commentator to an article he published this month in the ultra-Orthodox newspaper Yated Ne'eman.

  • 54% Israelis: IDF soldiers have right to eat chametz
    Written by on 17/03/2022
    In light of the public and political battle that accompanies the petition Hiddush submitted (on behalf of itself, the Secular Forum, and a group of parents of IDF soldiers) to reduce the sweeping ban against leavened foods during Passover on IDF bases, Hiddush decided to survey the positions of Israel’s adult Jewish public on this matter.

  • Why do they do it? Because they can!
    Written by on 03/03/2022
    This week, the Supreme Court issued a ‘show cause’ order against the IDF in a petition Hiddush submitted regarding non-observant and non-Jewish soldiers being allowed to possess chametz in their own private domain (or in pre-designated spaces) and consume it during Passover.

  • Court rules against rabbinical court judge for "Writ of Refusal"
    Written by on 09/12/2021
    Hiddush's legal advocacy continues, with its submission of a petition to the Supreme Court against the IDF for religiously coercing soldiers to keep kosher on Passover, as well as yet another petition on behalf of an Israeli couple married legally via videoconference in Utah County, Utah.

  • IDF forcing soldiers to keep kosher for Passover
    Written by on 25/11/2021
    Next week, Hiddush will submit a petition to the Supreme Court against the IDF, demanding that it change its regulations regarding its policy on chametz on Passover in army bases.

  • Hiddush in the legal trenches
    Written by Uri Regev on 14/07/2021
    Hiddush has initiated legal action in two instances of abuse by Haredi outreach operations infringing upon the rights and lives of residents of neighboring buildings.

  • Legal fronts against religious discrimination
    Written by on 05/02/2021
    Hiddush has been active on several legal fronts against religious discrimination in the IDF, including the battle against exempting yeshivas students from conscription along with the rest of their Israeli peers.


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