Search results for tag " Hiddush"

  • Hiddush Annual Religion and State Index 2024
    Written by on 24/09/2024
    The government is acting against the will of the public in all matters related to religion and state

  • Hiddush Annual Religion and State Index 2024
    Written by on 24/09/2024
    The government is acting against the will of the public in all matters related to religion and state

  • Religion and State Index 2023: Acute Tension Between ultra-Orthodox and Secular Jews
    Written by on 20/08/2024
    The tension between ultra-Orthodox and secular Jews and between the political right and the left are the most significant internal conflicts in Israel, far more than other internal tensions that tore Israeli society apart in the past

  • Half of the Israeli Jewish Public Prefer to Marry in a non-Orthodox Marriage Ceremony
    Written by on 19/08/2024
    A survey by the Smith Institute for Hiddush ahead of the 15th of Av: two-thirds of the Jewish public in Israel support legislation that would abolish the Orthodox monopoly on marriage and allow freedom of marriage in Israel. This includes 68% of Likud voters and 41% of the voters of Religious Zionism and Otzma Yehudit parties. If they had a choice - only 15% of the secular public would marry in an Orthodox marriage

  • Protecting the Rule of Law, Public Coffers and the Future of Israel
    Written by on 25/07/2024
    Hiddush filed a petition against the government's attempt to implement coalition agreements signed with the ultra-Orthodox parties

  • Hiddush Challenges “Coalition Funds”
    Written by on 24/03/2024
    Hiddush submitted a petition against the attempt to transfer millions to the budget of the ultra-Orthodox school networks; and a petition that stopped the allocation of "Deri's food tickets"

  • The Efforts to Promote Utah Online Marriage Continue
    Written by on 24/03/2024
    Hiddush gives legal counsel to couples who seek to marry using the Online Marriage platform in Utah

  • As War Continues, Israel and Hiddush Look Ahead
    Written by on 10/03/2024
    During recent days, as national challenges in Gaza and the north continue, the report regarding the Meron disaster emphasizes how essential is an independent judiciary to ensure a healthy democracy

  • New Religion and State Index 2023: Acute Tension Between ultra-Orthodox and Secular Jews
    Written by on 13/09/2023
    The tension between ultra-Orthodox and secular Jews and between the political right and the left are the most significant internal conflicts in Israel, far more than other internal tensions that tore Israeli society apart in the past

  • 2022 Israel Religion & State Index
    Written by on 17/10/2022
    A large majority of the Jewish public want freedom of religion, civil marriage, public transportation on Shabbat, conscription of yeshiva students, cuts to yeshiva budgets, enforcement of core curricular studies and more.

  • 2022 Israel Religion & State Index
    Written by on 17/10/2022
    A large majority of the Jewish public want freedom of religion, civil marriage, public transportation on Shabbat, conscription of yeshiva students, cuts to yeshiva budgets, enforcement of core curricular studies and more

  • Where Does the Israeli Public Stand?
    Written by Uri Regev on 19/08/2022
    Where does the Jewish Israeli public stand on the controversial issues of religion and state? We will soon publish Hiddush’s annual Religion and State Index, which provides a comprehensive overview of the many topics included in this broad category. But in the meantime, we conducted a survey more limited in scope, on two key questions that are on the public and political agenda.

  • 54% Israelis: IDF soldiers have right to eat chametz
    Written by on 17/03/2022
    In light of the public and political battle that accompanies the petition Hiddush submitted (on behalf of itself, the Secular Forum, and a group of parents of IDF soldiers) to reduce the sweeping ban against leavened foods during Passover on IDF bases, Hiddush decided to survey the positions of Israel’s adult Jewish public on this matter.

  • 2021 Israel Religion & State Index
    Written by on 02/09/2021
    Hiddush released its annual Israel Religion and State Index. This is the 13th Index published by Hiddush since its inception in 2009, published annually on the eve of Rosh HaShanah. The Index is the only systematic and in-depth periodic review of Israel’s adult Jewish public’s attitudes on matters of religion and state.

  • Contrary to Orthodox politicians - Public for marriage freedom
    Written by on 28/07/2021
    Last week, on the Jewish calendar, we marked Tu b’Av (the 15th day of the month of Av), which can be likened to Valentine’s Day in the USA. Hiddush commissioned a special survey on marriage freedom in commemoration of the holiday, which was well covered in the Hebrew and English media.

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