"Religion should be relegated to the synagogue and the homes of those families that want it; it should occupy a special position in the schools; but it shall not control the ministries of State." Chaim Weizman All quotes »
"Religion should be relegated to the synagogue and the homes of those families that want it; it should occupy a special position in the schools; but it shall not control the ministries of State."
Chaim Weizman
All quotes »
Uri Regev 09/12/2014 11:21
According to a December 3 poll, 62% of Israeli voters do not want the ultra-Orthodox parties in the next government, and 74% do not want to increase public funding for yeshivas. But most importantly: how will the undecided voters sway the upcoming March 17 elections?
Uri Regev 21/10/2014 17:00
There is grave concern that instead of the necessary attributes for those fit to serve as Jerusalem’s chief rabbis, the selection will instead be based upon political deals and ulterior motives.
Uri Regev 05/10/2014 00:23
Jewish organizations, as expected, come to the defense of the Jewish community of Huxley, as Christian leaders attempt to ban their prayer event. But what would Jewish organizations do in the reverse situation?
Uri Regev 31/08/2014 16:55
Israel's Channel 10 News ran a four-part series about the issue of marriage in Israel and the Chief Rabbinate's monopoly over this basic right. The timing and content serve as a major boost for efforts for freedom of marriage.
Uri Regev 18/07/2014 23:47
In his latest op-ed, Rabbi Uri Regev suggests that wile addressing the Shabbat prohibitions and limitations – let’s not forget the need to invest in alternative, contemporary ways to enhance the positive spirit of Shabbat.
Uri Regev 20/03/2014 13:27
Now that the Haredi draft law has been passed and implemented, the Israeli public will slowly realize that there is no equality in this law, only disappointment.
Uri Regev 26/12/2013 11:53
Until Israel's Supreme Court intervened, an Israeli mother was fined $150 by Israel's Supreme Rabbinical Court of Appeals for every day she did not circumcise her son. The case is not over yet and serves as a key indicator of the growing influence of Israel's rabbinical courts.
Uri Regev 19/12/2013 13:54
Netanyahu’s message regarding Jewish unity left much to be desired. Will American Jewry buy Netanyahu’s shiny wrapping, or look inside to find a disturbingly bare box.
Uri Regev 12/11/2013 10:20
Israel's Chief Rabbinate disregards and disrespects Jewish leaders and their communities around the world. Israel must end their monopoly and embrace its promise for “freedom of religion and conscience... and equality” as a blueprint for a modern democratic Jewish state.
Uri Regev 24/09/2013 13:27
In a Jewish Daily Forward op-ed, Rabbi Uri Regev writes that Israeli and American Jewish leadership's blind eye to religious freedom in Israel will endanger Israel's relationship with the next generation of American Jewry.