Search results for tag "Uri Regev"

  • The New "Draft" Bill, A bluff at the time, and totally irrelevant after October 7th
    Written by on 20/05/2024
    Rabbi Uri Regev, CEO of Hiddush, explains that the current “Draft Bill” does not have the intention of enlisting yeshiva students

  • Hiddush on the Knesset TV channel
    Written by Uri Regev on 24/10/2019
    I'd like to share my insights from a panel I participated in today, broadcast on the Knesset TV channel. In the program, a panel of two reacts to the political events of the day. My co-panelist was an Orthodox economist who plays a leadership role in the Jewish Home party.

  • Supreme Court rules on illegal writs of refusal from rabbinical court
    Written by on 19/07/2016
    The Supreme Court required the Attorney General's office to decide soon whether or not to file charges against the judges of the private, ultra-Orthodox rabbinical court who issued an excommunication notice to a Haredi resident Elad who are also suspected of blackmail, threatening private citizens, and obstruction of justice.

  • Supreme Court hears Hiddush petition against coercive rabbinical court
    Written by on 26/07/2015
    Justice Mazuz: “The ‘Writs of Refusal’ are intended to deny a person his rights as a man and a citizen by blocking his/her way to State institutions (i.e. - the courts) that can render him remedy in realizing his rights.”

  • Israel's High Court Unanimously Agrees with Hiddush
    Written by on 14/11/2014
    November 12 marked a major, promising step in our battles that will surely become a landmark legal case on the road to ensuring Israel’s identity as a Jewish and democratic state. Privately issued "writs of refusal" excommunicating those who turn to Israel's legal system for justice are illegal - the private rabbinical courts continue acting illegally in defiance of the law.

  • L'Chayim: Uri Regev (Part 2)
    Written by on 14/05/2014
    Uri Regev, President and CEO of HIddush: Freedom of Religion for Israel, sits to discuss his fight for religious pluralism in Israel. On Shalom TVapos;s Lapos;Chayim with Mark S. Golub.

  • L'Chayim - Uri Regev (Part 1)
    Written by on 12/05/2014
    President and CEO of Hiddush: Freedom of Religion for Israel, Founding Chair of the Israel Religious Action Center for Reform Judaism, and Former President of the World Union for Progressive Judaism, Uri Regev discusses the fight for religious pluralism in Israel with Mark S. Golub on L'Chayim.

  • Rabbi Uri Regev calls on Minister Lapid to keep tabs on Rabbi Pinto's earnings
    Written by on 19/01/2014
    Hiddush CEO calls on Israeli Finance Minister to increase supervision over funds flowing into the pockets of "Rabbis of the Stars" to prevent further criminal actions.

  • Rescuing Israel's relationship with world Jewry
    Written by on 03/10/2013
    In light of the Prime Minister's Office's announcement of a $300 million plan to engage Diaspora youth, Rabbi Uri Regev points to the crucial factor missing out in this relationship: freedom of religion and equality.

  • Hiddush advocates for religious freedom in the Davis Cup
    Written by on 18/08/2013
    Israeli Tennis Association agreed to compensate the Beligan Tennis Association more than $13,000 to avoid playing on Yom Kippur. Rabbi Uri Regev: The tournament scheduling must respect freedom of religious expression.

  • Religious rights NGO blasts haredi rabbi for iPhone ruling
    Written by on 31/07/2013
    Bnei Brak rabbinical court head: It’s no mitzva to return "non-kosher" smartphones that people have left behind.

  • Promising ‘Real Revolution,’ Israeli Jolts Race for Chief Rabbi
    Written by on 21/07/2013
    A moderate candidate for Israel's Chief Rabbinate hopes to change from within, but many critics of the institution are calling for its retirement.

  • Rosner’s Torah-Talk: Parashat Matot-Massei with Rabbi Uri Regev
    Written by on 05/07/2013
    Rabbi Uri Regev speaks about the weekly torah portion on Shmuel Rosner's program: Rosner's Torah-Talk.

  • Video Blog: 2013 AJC Great Debate
    Written by on 02/07/2013
    Highlights from the 2013 AJC Great Debate

  • Highlights from the 2013 AJC Great Debate
    Written by on 27/06/2013
    Rabbi Uri Regev debates Rabbi Shlomo Riskin, Chief Rabbi of Efrat.


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